Michael Hillen (poet)

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Michael Hillen (born June 30, 1953 in Bonn ) is a German poet.


Michael Hillen was a Belgian national until 1979; his father was from Antwerp. After training as a publishing company, Hillen worked for a special needs publisher until 1977. Until 2005 he worked as a lecturer, proofreader and librarian in a scientific research institute. Since the 1970s he has published poems in newspapers, anthologies, yearbooks (including in Muschelhaufen ) and in literary magazines, for example in Ort der Augen , Ostragehege , Signum , Waspennest , Zeichen & Wunder und Lichtungen as well as in the Belgian forum for young literature Krautgarten. Since 1997 (until the magazine was discontinued in 2013), a wide selection of his poetry has been published in the magazine for literature and visual arts, Der Mongolewart . From 1983 to 1998 he was a member of the working group literature in the world of work ; Contributions to various work group anthologies, published by Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag , Frankfurt / Main.

Hillen initially wrote poems "which are formally trained on the verses of Erich Frieds and Kurt Tucholsky ". He addresses his content "with linguistic precision and persuasiveness" and "records it in predominantly simple, but extremely subtle language that is occasionally pervaded by bitter irony."

Often grief and suffering are the starting point for his reflections. He succeeds,

To make precise observations of reality tangible in a few words - and, without lapsing into the pathos of grand concepts, to awaken the memory of the violence on which this (social) reality is often latent in this reality and repressed in everyday life. "

- Timeline, sheets on language movement

He "is a fine observer who really cares and for whom an old married couple who takes care of their balcony flowers while the wrecking ball is raging all around, is the reason for a poem."

At first glance, his poems seem like casual observations, "but it is precisely because of their unobtrusiveness that there shines that strange auratic shimmer that always amazes you at how much energy there is in the words when they are put together in the right way."

In the “wound pictures” “those last questions are put to life that can only be expressed and appropriately discussed with deep and appreciative insight into the human condition”.

Hillen's poems are far from being puzzling, but rather they reveal the depth that is hidden behind a quickly judged surface. In many of his poems, Hillen succeeds in giving a hint of a long, changeful life in just a few lines and thus, as it were, opening a gate, revealing the threshold on which the beauty and cruelty of transience are revealed at the same time. "

- Elke Engelhardt : fixpoetry.com

Michael Hillen was awarded a special prize by the literary magazine Dulzinea in 2009. He is married and lives in Bonn.


  • The dumbbell king. Poems . Protext-Verlag, Bonn 1994, ISBN 3-929118-03-3 .
  • In the narrow streets. Poems . Protext-Verlag, Bonn 1996, ISBN 3-929118-04-1 .
  • A Judas tree on the roadside. Poems . Alkyon-Verlag, Weissach iT 2000, ISBN 978-3-929118-06-3 .
  • Casting ships. Poems . Silver Horse Edition, Marklkofen 2009, ISBN 978-3-937037-28-8 .
  • Shadowed memories. Poems . Silver Horse Edition, Marklkofen 2011, ISBN 978-3-937037-46-2 .
  • Ms. Röntgen's hand. Poems . Edition Keiper, Graz 2012, ISBN 978-3-9503337-4-9 .
  • The potato eaters. Poems . Illustrations: Xenia Pankowa. Carl-Walter Kottnik (ed.), Hamburg 2015.
  • Wound pictures. Poems . With e. Etching by Peter Marggraf, ed. v. Hans Georg Bulla. San Marco hand press, Bordenau / Venezia 2016.
  • Antonia and other women’s stories. Poems. Verlag Traian Pop, Ludwigsburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-86356-195-6 .


  • Gerda Kaltwasser: New courage for poetry . In: Rheinische Post from October 3, 2001.
  • Peter Klusen : Desperation remains ... Comments on two collections of poetry by Michael Hillen . In: Muschelhaufen, annual journal for literature and graphics , Volume 37, 1998, ISSN  0085-3593 .
  • Christoph Leisten : Like a tightrope walker . In: Signs & Miracles , No. 53, June 2009, ISSN  0946-1809 .
  • Frank Milautzcki : The exact quantum of poetry - In the wake of Michael Hillen's poems. In: fixpoetry.
  • Lutz Rathenow : New Poetry . In: Die Welt of May 13, 1995.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Axel Kutsch : Time. Word. German-language poetry of the present. Landpresse, Weilerswist 2003, ISBN 3-935221-21-5 .
  2. Peter Klusen: Despair remains ... Notes on two collections of poetry by Michael Hillen . In: Muschelhaufen, annual journal for literature and graphics , Volume 37, 1998, page 156/157
  3. Zeitriss, sheets on language movement. Issue 3/1999, p. 37, ISSN  0949-4758 .
  4. ^ A b Frank Milautzcki: The exact quantum of poetry - In the wake of Michael Hillen's poems. on fixpoetry.com from February 6, 2009.
  5. Alexander Altmann: From "Eulenhassern" and "Frau Röntgen's Hand" - New poetry by Jan Wagner and Michael Hillen. In: Reading, Independent Journal for Literature. 20th year, issue 1, 2013, p. 22, ISSN  0944-7660
  6. ^ Helwig Brunner: December sun . On Michael Hillen's lyric album “Wundbilder” with an etching by Peter Marggraf. on fixpoetry.com from June 20, 2016.
  7. Elke Engelhardt: Restraint in the service of the deep. on fixpoetry.com from August 14, 2018.