Michael Nestius

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Michael Nestius (* 1721 in Swantow on Rügen , † 1794 in Bergen on Rügen ) was a German Protestant clergyman.


Michael Nestius was the son of Jakob Nestius (1691–1766), pastor in Swantow,

In 1751, after having worked for some time in Trent in the Church of St. Catherine , he was called to Bergen as a deacon. In 1782 he became Praepositus in Bergen and held this office until his death.

In 1751 he married Marianne Dorothea, the sister of the provost Hermann Andreas Pistorius and thus also brother-in-law of Johann Joachim Spalding . They had two children:

  • Gottlieb Brandanus Nestius, who later also became provost in Bergen.
  • Maria Nestius (1768–1845) ran a private school in Bergen.


A portrait of his father hangs in the St. Catherine's Church in Trenter, from whom the overall concept of the altar came.



Individual evidence

  1. historical articles - Altstadtverein, article no. 140, part 4. Accessed on April 25, 2018 (German).
  2. ^ Johann Georg Meusel: Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800: N - Qu, p. 45 . Fleischer, 1810 ( google.de [accessed April 26, 2018]).
  3. Diederich Hermann Biederstedt: Messages from the now living writers in Neuvorpommern and Rügen, p. 29 . Royal Government bookstore, 1822 ( google.de [accessed April 26, 2018]).
  4. ^ Ernst Moritz Arndt: Ernst Moritz Arndt Briefe, p. 571 . Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1973, ISBN 978-3-534-04859-5 ( google.de [accessed on April 26, 2018]).