Micheil Naneishvili

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Micheil Naneishvili

Micheil Naneishvili (Georgian: მიხეილ ნანეიშვილი; * July 12, 1934 in Tbilisi ; † January 8, 2018 there ) was a Georgian philosopher and politician.


Micheil Naneishvili was born in Tbilisi in 1934 as the child of the lawyer Alexander Naneishvili and his wife, Agrafina Kalandadze, a gynecologist. In 1930 the father was arrested for political reasons and deported to Western Siberia. After being arrested again, he was sentenced to death and executed on August 27, 1938.

education and profession

After graduating from the Paliashvili music school, Micheil Naneishvili prepared for a career as a pianist. In 1953 he began studying at the Tbilisi Conservatory (under the direction of Anastassia Wirsaladze). In 1954, however, he broke off his music studies and moved to the Philosophical Faculty of Tbilisi State University. In the fourth semester he was accused of anti-Soviet stance and removed from the university register . He was later allowed to continue his studies at the university and finished it in 1961. After graduating, Micheil Naneishvili worked at the Institute of Philosophy at the Georgian Academy of Sciences . He dealt with the basic questions of cultural philosophy as well as with the philosophical problems of freedom and cultural nationalism. According to M. Naneishvili, the nation is “the only real subject of culture”.


In 1990, M. Naneishvili founded the Liberal Democratic National Party of Georgia and became its chairman. The party is based on the idea of ​​nationalism, whose “ideological picture”, according to M. Naneishvili, is liberalism. “The function of a nation is the cultural-historical creative activity. The very first requirement, the essence and the goal of a creative activity is freedom. Liberalism, as the ideology of freedom, arises from nationalism. In other words, the ideological picture of true nationalism is liberalism. ”In 1992, M. Nanishvili was elected to the Third Georgian Parliament . 1992–1993 he was the leader of the Liberals group, and from 1992 until the end of the parliamentary term (1995) he was a member of the working group of the Constitutional Commission. From 1999 to 2004 he was a member of the Fifth Georgian Parliament. He sharply criticized the National Movement, which called itself the Reformation Opposition. After the coup d'état of 2003 - according to his assessment of the Rose Revolution - M. Naneishvili founded a civic association directed against the federalization of Georgia under the name "Unitary Georgia".


The main theme of Micheil Naneishvili’s philosophical writings was the problem of freedom. His life's work “Freedom” and Freedom: The Word and the Concept (2012) is dedicated to this problem.


  1. მიხეილ ნანეიშვილი . საქართველოს პოლიტიკური პარტიები: ცნობარი 1999 / [მოამზადეს კოსტანტინე კანდელაკმა, დავით ყიფიანმა, ლელა ხომერიკმა [და სხვ.]]; სამოქალაქო კულტურის საერთაშორისო ცენტრი. - თბ., 1999. - 157 გვ. : ილ. ; 20 სმ .. - ISBN 99928-52-41-0
  2. ნანეიშვილი მიხეილ . საქართველოს V მოწვევის პარლამენტი (1999 - 2004 წწ.)
  3. პარლამენტარ მიხეილ ნანეიშვილის აზრით, “ნაციონალური მოძრაობა”, რომელსაც სათავეში დეპუტატი მიხეილ სააკაშვილი უდგას, მემარცხენე-ექსტრემისტული ორგანიზაციაა . რადიო "თავისუფლება". მაისი 19, 2002.