Michel Lunven

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Michel Lunven (born February 26, 1933 in Vannes ) is a French diplomat .


Michel Lunven completed a law degree , which he completed with the academic degree License . He entered the diplomatic service and worked as a special representative for cooperation in various African countries, such as the Ivory Coast , Upper Volta , Gabon , Niger and Chad . In 1986 he became deputy to Jacques Foccart , the "Monsieur Afrique" under Prime Minister Jacques Chirac .

Lunven became French ambassador to Niger in 1988, a position he held until 1993. During his tenure in Niger, the parliamentary elections were held on February 14, 1993 , the first free multi-party elections since the country's independence. In 1993 he moved to the Central African Republic as the French special representative for elections . In 1995 he was appointed Ambassador of France to Gabon . From 1996, Lunven was also ambassador to São Tomé and Príncipe . He retired from these functions in 1998.

Lunven is a member of the Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer .



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roland Cayrol, Pascal Perrineau: Le guide du pouvoir. Presidential 88th La défaite de politique. Les fantassins de la République . Doumic, Paris 1988, ISBN 2-906545-21-X , pp. 95 .
  2. a b La revue des livres . In: Politique africaine . tape 1 , no. 129 , 2013, p. 171–181 , doi : 10.3917 / polaf.129.0171 ( cairn.info [accessed December 11, 2016]).
  3. List chronologique des ambassadeurs, envoyés extraordinaires, ministres plénipoteniaires et chargés d'affaires de France à l'étranger depuis 1945. (PDF) In: France Diplomatie. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development , p. 84 , accessed December 11, 2016 (French).
  4. List chronologique des ambassadeurs, envoyés extraordinaires, ministres plénipoteniaires et chargés d'affaires de France à l'étranger depuis 1945. (PDF) In: France Diplomatie. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development , pp. 60, 94–95 , accessed December 11, 2016 (French).
  5. a b Lunven Michel. Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer , accessed December 11, 2016 (French).