Micranthocereus violaciflorus

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Micranthocereus violaciflorus
Micranthocereus violaciflorus Buining.jpg

Micranthocereus violaciflorus

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Cereeae
Genre : Micranthocereus
Type : Micranthocereus violaciflorus
Scientific name
Micranthocereus violaciflorus

Micranthocereus violaciflorus is a species of the genus Micranthocereus in the cactus family(Cactaceae). The specific epithet refers to the pink flowers.


Micranthocereus violaciflorus little or no branching grows with the fine spines almost completely covered shoots and reaches stature heights of 1 meter. The shoots have a diameter of up to 4 centimeters. There are 11 to 16 sharp-edged ribs . The oval areoles are covered with whitish to brownish hairs . The single central spine is up to 2.5 centimeters long. The up to 25 (or more) whitish to light brown radial spines are spread out or protruding and often lie on the shoots. The cephalium consists of dense white to brown wool and reddish bristles.

The tubular bluish purple flowers are up to 2.3 inches long. The urn-shaped fruits are greenish red and 1 to 1.1 centimeters in length and diameter.

Systematics, distribution and endangerment

Micranthocereus violaciflorus is common in the northern part of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais . It was first described in 1969 by Albert Frederik Hendrik Buining .

Micranthocereus violaciflorus was in the Red List of Threatened Species of IUCN in 2002 as " Vulnerable , d (VU)". H. endangered, classified. In 2013 the species was named " Endangered (EN) ". H. listed as endangered.



Individual evidence

  1. Cacti and other succulents . Volume 20, Number 7, 1969, pp. 129-130.
  2. Micranthocereus violaciflorus in the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN 2013.2. Posted by: Machado, M., Braun, P., Taylor, NP & Zappi, D., 2010. Retrieved January 3, 2014.

Web links

Commons : Micranthocereus violaciflorus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files