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A MicroMasters is a certificate of proficiency as part of a diploma certificate program that is offered by some universities in cooperation with edX . In contrast to a traditional Master’s degree, a MicroMaster usually consists of taught course work without the research thesis required for a traditional Master’s degree . A MicroMaster enables a student to transfer earned credits to a traditional Masters program should he or she later choose.

The first MicroMasters degree was offered in 2015 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Supply Chain Management . The students complete the course work for the MicroMaster through distance learning and can use this degree as a stand-alone proof of study or continue to acquire a master's degree after completing a one-semester campus course. Other universities that offer MicroMaster degrees are: the University of Queensland , the Polytechnic University of Valencia , the Thunderbird School of Global Management , the University of Michigan , RWTH Aachen University , Columbia University , the Rochester Institute of Technology , the Australian National University , the Indian Institute of Management , Hong Kong Polytechnic University , Wageningen University , Université catholique de Louvain , Galileo University and Curtin University .

Individual evidence

  1. MicroMasters Programs | edX . In: edX . August 15, 2016 ( edx.org [accessed March 16, 2017]).
  2. edX. Retrieved March 16, 2017 .