Microlejeunea ulicina

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Microlejeunea ulicina
Class : Jungermanniopsida
Subclass : Jungermanniidae
Order : Jubilee
Family : Lejeuneaceae
Genre : Microlejeunea
Type : Microlejeunea ulicina
Scientific name
Microlejeunea ulicina
( Taylor ) A. Evans

Microlejeunea ulicina is a species of moss from the order of the Jungermanniales .


The plants are 0.4 millimeters wide, delicate and yellow-green. The flank blades are put away. The upper lobes are rounded or broadly oval, their tip is rounded. The leaf margin is notched. The lower lobes are half to three quarters the size of the upper lobes, they are inflated and have a unicellular tip. The sub-leaves are oval, divided into three quarters into two lobes. Each cell contains three to eight oil bodies .

Distribution and locations

The species is distributed in southern and western Europe, further in tropical and South Africa, in Macaronesia , Asia and North America. In Germany it can be found in the Chiemgau, in southwest Germany and in Rhineland-Palatinate.

It grows on bark , more rarely on rotten wood, mostly creeping between plants of the genus Metzgeria .

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