Micropterix aureatella

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Micropterix aureatella
Micropterix aureatella

Micropterix aureatella

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Urmoths (Micropterigidae)
Genre : Micropterix
Type : Micropterix aureatella
Scientific name
Micropterix aureatella
( Scopoli , 1763)

Micropterix aureatella is a butterfly fromthe primitive moth family (Micropterigidae).


The male moths reach a wingspan of 7.8 to 9.6 millimeters and a fore wing length of 3.9 to 4.6 millimeters. The females are slightly larger and reach a wingspan of 8.9 to 10.3 millimeters with a forewing length of 4.2 to 4.8 millimeters. They have purple-violet, sometimes bronze-colored and shimmering purple-violet forewings, on which three golden, bronze-edged bands dominate at equal intervals. The third band in the rear quarter of the wing is reduced to a spot in the middle of the wing that only partially runs towards the edges and only touches the leading edge of the wing, if at all. In the violet part of the wings, bluish scales can also be seen in places. The hind wings are bronze colored and have only a weak purple shimmer. All wings have long, bronze-colored fringes, but the fringes of the rear wings are whitish on the outside. The moths have a black-brown head that is hairy yellow-brown to light ocher. The thorax is dark bronze in color, towards the rear a little purple-violet, whereby isolated blue scales can sometimes be seen in this area. The abdomen is golden brown. The thread-like antennae are colored golden brown and have a purple sheen. They are a little shorter in females than in males, whose antennae do not quite reach the length of the forewings. The legs are colored light brown gold.

Similar species


The diurnal moths occur throughout the Palearctic , but are absent in North Africa . They live mainly in bog areas , less often on moist forest edges , on acidic soils, and fly in larger groups around sunlit, flowering mountain pines ( Pinus mugo ) and blueberry bushes ( Vaccinium myrtillus ). They can be found both in the lowlands and in higher altitudes, where they are especially found in the Krummholzzone .

Way of life

In contrast to most butterflies, the primeval moths have well-developed mandibles and thus eat pollen from various plants. Micropterix aureatella preferably pollen from sedge ( Carex sp. ).

The females lay oval, transparent white eggs that turn gray shortly before the caterpillar hatches. Nothing is known about either the caterpillars or the pupae . It is assumed, however, that the caterpillars feed on blueberry bushes ( Vaccinium spec. ).


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Micropterix aureatella aureatella. Natural history information system, accessed December 27, 2006 .
  2. a b Micropterix aureatella. Ian Kimber: Guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland, accessed December 27, 2006 .

Web links

Commons : Micropterix aureatella  - collection of images, videos and audio files