Tenant protection

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Under rent control is understood within the Housing Tenancy contract not waivable legal provisions to protect the tenant inside and outside the Civil Code (BGB). It is a form of consumer protection for privately financed apartments in addition to the special regulations on social housing and general prohibitions on discrimination such as Section 2 (1) No. 8 AGG .

Tenant protection regulations can also be contractually agreed. In the context of the privatization of municipal housing stocks , social charter can be agreed which give tenants tenant protection that goes far beyond the statutory provisions.

Legal regulation

Tenant protection rights are codified in contract law or specifically in the tenancy law of the respective states.

See the country articles

The object of tenant protection is in particular

  • Restrictions on the landlord's right of termination
  • Restrictions on termination of a lease for other reasons
  • Provisions on rent
  • Social clauses , the right of entry for members of the household in the event of the tenant's death ( Section 563 BGB) or grandfathering when the rental property is sold ( Section 566 BGB)
  • as well as the forced management of living space in times of war and emergency.

Constitutional grounds

In fulfilling the mandate given to it in Article 14.1 sentence 2 of the Basic Law to determine the content and limitations of property , the legislature is faced with the task of realizing the social model, the normative elements of which emerge on the one hand from the constitutional recognition of private property Article 14.1 sentence 1 of the Basic Law and on the other hand from the binding guideline of Article 14.2 of the Basic Law. It is the task of the legislature to implement this requirement within the framework of private law standardizations according to Article 14.1 sentence 2 of the Basic Law. In doing so, it must take into account both elements of the dialectical relationship laid down in the Basic Law of constitutionally guaranteed freedom and the requirement of a socially just property system and bring the interests of all parties involved that are worthy of protection into a fair balance and a balanced relationship. The legislator must take into account the interests of the tenant and the landlord in the same way when drafting mandatory tenancy law provisions. Of course, this does not mean that they have to have the same weight at all times and in every context. A one-sided preference or disadvantage is not in line with the constitutional ideas of socially bound private property.

Social importance

In order to avoid homelessness and preserve social peace , tenant protection follows the requirement of consideration for the interests of the individual legal partner who is dependent on the use of the property and takes into account "the paramount importance of the apartment as the center of human existence".

Economic aspects

In particular, the abolition of tax advantages in the non-profit housing sector on January 1, 1990 and the de facto abolition of social housing with the law reforming housing law of September 13, 2001, led to the extensive privatization of the housing market. As a result, around 3.3 million rent-regulated apartments came onto the open market.

The rental housing market is increasingly determined by an imbalance between supply and demand and not only makes it difficult for low-income earners to access the market. To remedy the housing shortage , among other things, a reintroduction of non-profit housing is being discussed.

An evaluation of the rent brake shows that the rent increase in the apartments exempted from the rent brake (first use after October 1, 2014 or first rental after fundamental renovation) has accelerated due to the rent brake.

The percentage limitation of the modernization levy does not achieve the alleged goal of limiting the rent increase, but on the contrary increases the burden on the tenant due to higher rents.


Individual evidence

  1. Martin Häublein, Arnold Lehmann-Richter: Tenant Protection in the Federal Republic of Germany Berlin (no year)
  2. cf. Benjamin Raabe: Social Tenancy Law in Europe 2019 (on the legal situation in Denmark, the Netherlands and Austria)
  3. ^ Mieterschutz Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon, accessed on August 30, 2019
  4. ^ Uwe Koch: Rental price policy in Germany. An empirical study with special consideration of the qualified rent index Augsburg, Univ.-Diss. 2005
  5. A brief look at the history of tenancy law Mieterecho, No. 262, May / June 1997
  6. Thomas Bussemer: Housing Policy and Housing Management in the Weimar Republic January 9, 2017
  7. BVerfG, decision of April 23, 1974 - 1 BvR 6/74 and 2270/73, para. 29 (on the law on protection against dismissal for tenancy agreements on living space dated November 25, 1971 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1839 ) - law on protection against dismissal of accommodation - WKSchG)
  8. Art. 21 § 1 of the Tax Reform Act 1990 of 25 July 1988, Federal Law Gazette I p. 1093
  9. Christian Lieberknecht: What did the WGG mean and what happened afterwards ?: The development phases of the non-profit housing Haufe.de, September 20, 2013
  10. ^ Non-profit status of the housing industry Scientific services of the German Bundestag , status of January 23, 2013
  11. Federal Law Gazette I p. 2376
  12. ^ Draft of a law on the reform of housing law BT-Drs. 14/5538 of March 13, 2001, p. 34 ff., 36
  13. Jane Tversted, Martin Zähringer: Housing Market and Codetermination From Tenancy Law to Tenant Rights Deutschlandfunk Kultur, July 16, 2019
  14. Werner Rügemer: Housing Emergency in Germany and Necessary Measures Nachdenkseiten , January 18, 2019
  15. Oliver Böhm, Ulli Raffel: Housing Policy in Germany: A Chronology of Failure SWR , September 21, 2018
  16. New non- profit housing: Housing companies do not want tax exemption Website of the Berlin tenants' association, August 30, 2017
  17. ^ German Institute for Economic Research : Evaluation of the rental price brake short version. Study on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection , Berlin 2018
  18. Bastian Kossmann, Georg von Wangenheim: Unsuccessful tenant protection - How the lowering of the allocation rate for modernization costs increases the rent University of Kassel, September 2015