Mila Kühnel

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Mila Kühnel, 1898, Austrian theater actress and singer

Mila Kühnel (before 1893 in Vienna - after 1899) was an Austrian theater actress and singer ( soprano ).


Kühnel began her theatrical career in Reichenberg in 1893 , came to Baden near Vienna in 1895 , Merano in 1897 , Pressburg in 1898, the Theater an der Wien in 1899 and from there to the Brno City Theater . She was later engaged in Hamburg, then at the Nuremberg City Theater , and from 1913 back at the Hamburg City Theater .

Very useful as an actress, she delighted with her natural representation, wit and humor, but also with deep inner feelings, as a singer she had a strong, high-pitched, sonorous soprano voice that was well trained and sympathetic. From their repertoire the following should be particularly emphasized: “Saffi”, “Fürstin” in Merry War ; "Girosle", "Laura" in begging student ; “Jeanette” in butterfly ; “Boccaccio”, in “Wladimir” etc. Of her achievements as an operatic soubrette , the “Baronin” in Der Wildschütz , “The First Lady” in the Magic Flute should be mentioned.
