Christian Colberg (photographer)

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Christian Colberg (* 1859 in Bremen ; † February 17, 1911 in Bad Oeynhausen ) was a German court photographer in Bad Oeynhausen.


Early photographers in Bad Oeynhausen were the watchmaker Louis Strieckling , the teacher Dannenberg , and, from 1876 to 1880, Otto Dieckmann . Christian Colberg only opened his photographic studio in Bad Oeynhausen in 1885 at Klosterstrasse 13 . Later he also ran branches in Herford in Bäckerstrasse , Mönchstrasse entrance , and in Vlotho .

After he had advertised his skills in "[...] taking pictures of commercial objects, interiors, landscapes, houses, animals, etc." in advertisements, he had been appointed court photographer several times after just a few years of work. For example, he was able to advertise on the lapel of his Cartes de Visite with the linked coats of arms of the regent houses of the Kingdom of Saxony and the Principality of Lippe , "which refers to the couple Friedrich Prince of Saxony-Meiningen and Adelheid Princess zur Lippe (until 1905 Countess Lippe -Biesterfeld). ”Further symbols of power stand for the Lippe-Detmold family, which died out in 1895, as well as the former dynasty of Schaumburg-Lippe . There is also a picture of a medal from "Ernst Graf-Regent and Countess zur Lippe-Biesterfeld ".

Although at least three photos of Colberg's imperial maneuver of 1898 are known, on which Kaiser Wilhelm II and his wife Auguste Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg can be seen in a carriage at the reception in Bad Oeynhausen, Colberg apparently did not have the photos Submitted to the imperial couple in order to be appointed court photographer by these gentlemen.

Dot-grid reproductions of Colberg's photographs served to depict the (lively) spa gardens of Bad Oeynhausen against the backdrop of the bathhouse . The pictures illustrated Ferdinand Teetz's article about Bad Oeynhausen in the edition of the Illustrirten Zeitung no.3538, special issue of April 20, 1911, which appeared after Colbert's death .

After Colberg's death a few years before the outbreak of World War I , a woman, “Dr. Gerda Hildebrandt-Schneevoigt ”, in September 1912 both the house and the studio of the photo artist. However, she was not granted a similar success as that of the court photographer.

Famous works

Some of Colberg's portraits have a blind stamp on the image side with the year the photograph was made. On the lithographic picture decoration on the lapel of the cardboard carrier there are references to lithographic institutions such as G. Jansen & Co. Cöln a. RH . But other motifs are also known, such as a legally protected lithograph with the consecutive number 30 with a landscape drawing.

Colberg made photographs with portraits, street, building and park views, particularly in Bad Oeynhausen. So far only a few motifs from East Westphalia are known, for example with the Externsteinen , the Porta Westfalica and the Hermannsdenkmal . Also postcards after shots Colbergs were expelled.

In a chronicle of Bad Oeynhausen that was published in 1909 during Colberg's lifetime, there are numerous images of the court photographer, the original of which has not yet been found. In 2008, the Bad Oeynhausen city archive publicly asked for further information on Colberg's works and biographical evidence. But the Herford municipal archive also owns works by the early photo artist.


  • Paul Baehr, Rico Quaschny: Chronicle of Bad Oeynhausen , 1909 (= history in the lower Werretal , vol. 4), reprint of the edition under the title Bad Oeynhausen, City of Bad Oeynhausen from 1909, ed. from the working group for home care of the city of Bad Oeynhausen eV, with an introduction to the life and work of Paul Baehr (1855–1929) by Rico Quaschny, in cooperation with the city archive Bad Oeynhausen, Bielefeld: Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 2009, ISBN 978-3- 89534-784-9 ; Table of contents and information from the publisher's report
  • Rico Quaschny: In the finest execution / The court photographer Colberg and his arts , in: HF magazine. Local history contributions from the Herford district , ed. from Kreisheimatverein Herford and Neue Westfälische , No. 66 of September 18, 2008, downloadable as a PDF document

Web links

Commons : Christian Colberg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Deviating from this, according to the Deutsche Fotothek, the date of death 23 February 1911 is also given. The date is confirmed by Photographische Chronik , Volume 18 (1911), p. 115: “ On February 23, the court photographer Mr. C. Colberg in Bad Oeynhausen, in the Bureau of the royal. Kurhaus [...] suddenly hit and passed away before medical help could be available ”. On the other hand, the church book of the evangelical parish of Bad Oeynhausen names the date February 17th, compare Rico Quaschny: Der Hof-Photographer Colberg ... (see literature)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c N.N. : Colberg, Christian / artist record 90050547 on the side in which the data from the stenographic collection of Ilka Höfer were transcribed
  2. Anja Brandt: BAD OEYNHAUSEN / "Photographs in the finest execution" / Rico Quaschny recalls Christian Colberg on the page of the Neue Westfälische from September 29, 2011
  3. a b c d e Rico Quaschny: In the finest execution / The court photographer Colberg and his arts , in: HF magazine. Local history contributions from the Herford district , ed. from Kreisheimatverein Herford und Neue Westfälische , No. 66 of September 18, 2008, p. 4, downloadable ( Memento of April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) as a PDF document
  4. Compare Klaus Oberländer: C. Colberg Hof-Photograph, Bad Oeynhausen Klosterstrasse 13 on his website , last accessed on March 27, 2015
  5. Compare the - unfortunately not high-resolution - digital copies on the GenWiki website (see the section on web links )