Milena Busquets

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Milena Busquets

Milena Busquets (* 1972 in Barcelona ) is a Spanish translator, journalist and novelist.

life and work

Milena Busquets was born in Barcelona in 1972 . She is the daughter of the well-known Catalan publisher and writer Esther Tusquets († 2012). In Barcelona she attended the French school. She then studied archeology at University College London . Through her mother's work, she was in contact with the publishing world from an early age. Despite her archeology studies, she therefore joined her mother's Lumen publishing house early on, where she worked as an editor until it was sold to Random House Mondadori. Together with her mother and her uncle Óscar Tusquets she founded the publishing house RqueR, which she took over. A lack of success led to an early end to the promising publishing project.

In 2008 Busquets made her literary debut with the novel Hoy he conocido a alguien .

She also wrote for the fashion magazine Harper's Bazaar and the weekly fashion supplement SMODA by El País and owned her own blog for the Internet newspaper She also worked in public relations for the Spanish fashion company Loewe and published texts and photos on her lifestyle -Blog.

She currently works as a translator for novels from English and French and as a journalist. Her novel This will pass away (2015), which has autobiographical traits and reminds in part of Bonjour tristesse (1954) by the French author Françoise Sagan , received a lot of international attention even before it was published and was considered a surprise success at the 2014 Frankfurt Book Fair Relocated to more than thirty countries.

Busquets works and lives in Barcelona with her two children.



  • That too will pass . Novel. Translated from the Spanish by Svenja Becker, Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag 2015, ISBN 978-3-518-42527-5 (original title: También esto pasará . Anagrama 2015).
  • Hoy he conocido a alguien (Bruguera 2008).

Article (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ [1] , Rosa Mora: Veteranos editores con nuevos proyectos . In: EL PAÍS. September 27, 2002, accessed January 15, 2016.
  2. [2] , Jorge Herralde: 'In memoriam': Una trayectoria de excelencia. In: El Pais, July 27, 2012, accessed January 15, 2016
  3. [3] . The blog of Milena. (, accessed January 15, 2016.
  4. ^ [4] , Matías Néspolo: Milena Busquets se destapa. In: El Mundo . October 20, 2014, accessed January 15, 2016.
  5. [5] , Rachel Deahl: Frankfurt Book Fair 2014: Spanish Author's Short Novel Causes Stir. Publishers Weekly , October 8, 2014, accessed January 15, 2016
  6. [6] , Pontas Literary & Film Agency: This too shall pass by Milena Busquets, accessed on January 15, 2016.