Military Intelligence Division

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The Military Intelligence Division (MID) was the intelligence division of the United States Army . Parts still exist in INSCOM today .

MID in World War II

The MID was commissioned to secure the military facilities and their personnel against espionage , sabotage and subversion , as well as to supply the Ministry of War and the army command with information. On the basis of the Hatch Act (August 2, 1939) and the Selective Training and Service Act (September 1940), people were removed who belong to “political parties or organizations that strive to overcome our constitutional form of government.” This was particularly meant by US communists .

At the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor , the MID had a counterintelligence Department ( Counter Intelligence Branch ) with six sections: inner enlightenment, investigation, clarification of plants, protection of military information, special tasks and military police . The distribution of tasks with the US Marine Intelligence Office of Naval Intelligence and the FBI was reorganized several times due to restructuring due to the war. As a result, the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) was created within the MID.


The US Army Intelligence Service is now called the United States Army Intelligence .

See also


  1. "Counter Intelligence in World War II"
