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Milkom (from milk , king) was, according to the biblical representation, tribal and chief god of the Ammonites , "a kind of god of war and weather ". Human sacrifices are said to have been made to him. He could be the same as Moloch .

Biblical representation

Solomon built a sanctuary on the Milkom Mount of Olives in Jerusalem ( 1 Kings 11.5  EU , 7.33 EU ). Joschija , the king of the southern kingdom of Judah , eliminated this cult ( 2 Kings 23.13  EU ). The prophet Jeremiah calls him “the owner of the land and people of Ammon ” ( Jer 49.1  EU ).


Individual evidence

  1. Gabriele Theuer: The moon god in the religions of Syria-Palestine: With special consideration of KTU 1.24 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000, ISBN 3-525-53745-X , p. 414 online
  2. "Milkom"
  3. ^ Gerhard J. Bellinger : Knaurs Lexikon der Mythologie. Munich 1999, ISBN 3-8289-4154-0 , page 328/329: Milkom