Milstein method

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The Milstein method of stochastic analysis describes a method for the numerical solution of stochastic differential equations (SDGL), named after the Russian mathematician Grigori Noichowitsch Milstein ( Gorky State University of the Urals ).


Look at the Itō SDGL

with initial condition , denoting the Wiener process . If a solution is to be found on the interval , the Milstein method gives an approximation for the true solution on an equidistant grid:

  • Break down the interval into equally long sub-intervals of length :
and .
  • Set .
  • Define for through

in which

and the derivation of relative is. Note that the random variables are independently normally distributed with expectation value 0 and variance .


With the above notation applies to and all , which is why one speaks of first- order convergence . is a Landau symbol .

See also
