Mini mac index

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The mini Mac index is a simple indicator that is designed to show the purchasing power of different currencies by comparing the prices of an Apple iPad mini .

The Council on Foreign Relations developed the Mini Mac Index in 2013 to compete with the Big Mac Index . The iPad Mini from Apple is used as a reference value, which is actually a globally tradable product that can be purchased without any loss of value or higher transport costs. In addition, the Mini-Mac-Index calculates the VAT rates of the individual countries. A comparison of the two indices actually shows considerable deviations. According to the Big Mac Index, the Japanese yen was undervalued by around 30 percent in January 2017, while according to the Mini Mac Index it was overvalued by around one percent. In general, the Big Mac Index shows significantly greater under- or over-valuation than the Mini-Mac Index.

Individual evidence

  1. Big Mac vs. Mini Mac , Macronomer , September 21, 2016
  2. Ralf Heidenreich: Big Mac or Mini Mac? - Burger and iPad Mini also serve as an index for comparing purchasing power , Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz of January 18, 2017, p. 8