Ministerial official

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A ministry official in the Federal Republic of Germany into a federal or state ministry active official .


While the state authorities at the lower and intermediate level in particular routinely issue permits, write down parking offenders, register motor vehicles, pay housing benefits or levy taxes, work close to the government in the highest state and federal authorities requires a large number of decisions and individual assessments. A ministerial official formulates e.g. B. the text of an answer to a small question in the Bundestag. He drafts ministerial letters, prepares negotiations between the federal government and the federal states, takes part in appropriate coordination and voting meetings or is delegated to departmental negotiations. According to Article 52, Paragraph 4 of the Basic Law, ministerial officials can participate in committees of the Federal Council and working groups of the parliamentary groups as agents of their state governments , whereby they should react expertly to technical questions and independently articulate and represent the political line of their department.

With regard to their duty of full personal commitment, the duty to carry out official orders, the duty of conduct as well as the duty to advise and support their superiors, senior ministerial officials are not only subject to the set of duties applicable to all officials, but again because of their prominent position and their special status increased demands, even if they are not political officials .

Rank and salary

Ministerial officials can hold the following offices in the higher administrative service :

Their official titles and grades are regulated in the salary regulations A and B according to the Federal Salary Act.

The employees of a ministry receive different levels of ministerial allowance ("MZ") in the federal and Bavarian state service , which was originally granted because of the increased cost of living in the federal capital . This allowance was abolished in most countries for reasons of resources. The transfer to a ministry, where a number of higher-paid offices are available for ministerial officials than in the so-called “subordinate area”, usually only takes place after many years of administrative service. However, exceptions are not uncommon.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Berlin waiting loop: Ministerial officials in limbo Deutschlandfunk , 23 November 2017.
  2. ^ On the tasks of ministerial administrations Friedrich Ebert Foundation , 2000.
  3. cf. The committees of the Bundesrat, accessed on July 5, 2020.
  4. ^ OVG Rhineland-Palatinate State Disciplinary Senate, decision of March 16, 2016 - 3 A 10854/15