Miquel Calçada

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Miquel Calçada, 2008

Miquel Calçada i Olivella , also known as Mikimoto , (born August 13, 1965 in Sabadell , Catalonia , Spain ) is a Spanish journalist and communications entrepreneur.


At the age of 15 he started working for a local radio station. At 18, it was his voice who resumed the broadcast of Catalan public radio ( Catalunya Ràdio ) , which had been interrupted since the Spanish Civil War . He is a content producer and talk show host. He became famous on TV3 with the daily Mikimoto Club show . When this was finally broadcast live in prime time, Miquel Calçada became the most famous show presenter on Spanish television. Persones humane became known for his ironic, sometimes absurd but always very sharp humor that stopped at nothing. A whole generation remembers his legendary appearances, often accompanied by the writer Quim Monzó .

For the next seven years he interrupted his television career to devote himself to the two radio stations he founded: Flaix Fm and Ràdio Flaixbac. In the meantime, these have established themselves among the top three music channels in terms of popularity. When he resumed his TV career in 2003, he achieved the highest ratings and recognition with the show Afers exteriors . Afers exteriors - broadcast in five series - is a sociological TV project in which he visited Catalan emigrants worldwide, in over 60 countries, and introduced them to his audience. As an independent producer, he received an offer from the Catalan government to produce a series of 70 chapters on environmental issues: El capità Enciam . After giving up smoking himself, he was so impressed with the method that he featured it on a two-part special: El mètode Larson .

Devoted to public and historical topics, he writes as a freelance columnist for the daily newspapers La Vanguardia and Avui . He is a co-founder of the Club de Riva de Catalunya, a subdivision of the Riva Historical Society.


At Catalunya Ràdio he moderated, among other things:

  • Catalunya DX
  • En pijama el cap de setmana
  • Mikimoto Club
  • Pasta gansa

TV series produced and hosted by him:

  • Oh, Bongonia , TV3 (1987)
  • Mikimoto Club , TV3 (1989–1990)
  • Mikimoto Clip , La 2 (1991–1992)
  • Persones humane , TV3 (1993–1996)
  • Solvència contrastada , TV3 (1996)
  • Afers exteriors , TV3 (2003-2009)
  • El mètode Larson , TV3 (2005)
  • Prohibit als tímids , TV3 (2006)

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