Miroslav Tuđman

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Miroslav Tuđman (born May 25, 1946 in Belgrade ) is a Croatian scientist and politician. He is the son of Franjo Tuđman .

Tuđman grew up in Belgrade until his parents moved to Zagreb in 1961 . There he graduated from high school and graduated from the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Zagreb in 1970 . He obtained a doctorate in information science from the same faculty in 1985 .

His first political activity consisted of co-founding the Croatian Social Democrats with his friend Antun Vujić , but he soon switched to his father's party, the conservative Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (Croatian Democratic Union). He temporarily withdrew from politics and returned in 2001 in the Zagreb municipal elections, in which his group achieved 7.6%. In the same year, he and Nenad Ivanković founded the Croatian True Renaissance (Hrvatski istinski preporod) party, which later worked with the Croatian Bloc of Ivić Pašalić , but did not win a seat in the Croatian parliamentary elections in 2003 .

In 2009 Tuđman ran for the Croatian presidential election , but achieved only 80,784 votes (4.09%) in the first ballot.

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Individual evidence

  1. Državno izborno povjerenstvo Republike Hrvatske: Potpuni službeni rezultati izbora za predsjednika Republike Hrvatske ( Memento of the original from November 24, 2012 on WebCite ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.izbori.hr