Mirra Komarovsky

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Mirra Komarovsky (born February 5, 1905 in the Russian Empire ; † January 30, 1999 ) was an American sociologist of Russian origin.

After Dorothy Swaine Thomas, Mirra Komarovsky became the second woman in this capacity to serve as the 64th presidency of the American Sociological Association . Komarovsky is considered a pioneer in gender sociology .

She came from a privileged Jewish family in tsarist Russia who fled to the United States after the Russian Revolution in 1917 and settled in Wichita (Kansas) . Komarovsky studied at Columbia University up to his master's degree . In 1940 she received her Ph.D. PhD. She then taught for more than 30 years as a professor at Barnard College , New York .

Mirra Komarovsky served as President of the American Sociological Association in 1973 .

Fonts (selection)

  • The Unemployed Man and His Family , 1940
  • Women in the Modern World. Their Education and Their Dilemmas , 1953
  • Blue-Collar Marriage , 1964
  • Women in College. Shaping New Feminine Identities , 1985.

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