Means of first aid

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First aid equipment ( also referred to as material equipment in the accident prevention regulations ) is the summary term for first aid material and supplementary first aid material . The name comes from the German workplace law and is also used in the autonomous law of the accident insurance carriers.

What the first aid means have in common is that they have to meet the requirements of the Medical Devices Act .

Legal bases

The appendix to the workplace ordinance uses the same terms materials for first aid and first aid equipment (point 4.3, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the appendix to the workplace ordinance). The requirements of this annex are specified in the technical rule for workplaces ASR A4.3 "First aid rooms, means and facilities for first aid". This workplace rule also contains definitions of terms.

In the autonomous law of the accident insurance institutions, an accident prevention regulation (DGUV regulation 1 "Principles of Prevention") sets requirements for facilities and equipment for first aid. It specifies a single standard of the Seventh Book of the Social Security Code (Section 15, Paragraph 1, Number 5, SGB VII).

The addressee of the workplace ordinance is the employer who operates a workplace . The term employer (according to Section 2 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act ) is very broad. The addressee of the accident prevention regulation is the entrepreneur within the meaning of Section 136 (3) SGB VII.

First aid material

First aid material is usually stored in first aid kits. In addition, other suitable containers such as bags, rucksacks or cupboards are also permitted. In addition to bandages , first aid materials also include, for example, rescue blankets , scissors or cold compresses.

Supplementary means of first aid

Depending on the risk assessment , supplementary first aid equipment may be necessary in addition to the basic equipment with first aid material.

Medical equipment

Medical devices that may be required for first aid are for example


Medicines only belong to the supplementary first aid means if they are actually needed for first aid in emergencies. According to DGUV rule 100-001, headache tablets are not included. Both the workplace rule and the DGUV rule cite antidotes as examples of drugs that may be required for first aid . Whether and what medicines are needed, usually decide the company doctor . Strict standards must be applied to their storage and use.

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