Medium curvature

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In the theory of surfaces in three-dimensional Euclidean space , a field of differential geometry , the mean curvature is an important concept of curvature in addition to the Gaussian curvature .


Let a regular area in and a point of this area be given. The mean curvature of the surface at this point is the arithmetic mean of the two main curvatures and . That is, the mean curvature is defined as

So-called minimum areas are of particular interest , for which or applies.

General can be the mean curvature for n-dimensional hyper-surfaces of the through define. Here is the Weingarten figure and denotes the trace of a matrix .


  • Are , , and , , the coefficients of the first and second fundamental form of the surface, so applies the formula
If the area is parameterized isothermally, that is, if the coefficients of the first fundamental form and hold, then this formula is simplified to
  • If the area under consideration is the graph of a function over the parameter range , i.e. for all , then applies to the mean curvature:
Here and denote the first and , and the second partial derivatives of .


  • The surface of a sphere with a radius has the mean curvature .
  • At any point on the curved surface of a straight circular cylinder with a radius , the mean curvature is the same

Other properties

  • The equation applies to an area
with the unit normal , the first fundamental form and the covariant derivative.
  • If a surface is parameterized isothermally, it satisfies Rellich's H-surface system
  • If the area is given as the level area of a function , then applies
This is the divergence and the unit normal field. This formula is called the Bonnet formula and applies generally to n-dimensional hypersurfaces .
