Middle Einersberger pond

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Middle Einersberger pond
Location: 1 km west of Clausthal-Zellerfeld , district of Goslar , Lower Saxony
Tributaries: from the Upper Einersberger pond
Drain: to the lower Einersberger pond
Major cities nearby: Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Middle Einersberger Pond (Lower Saxony)
Middle Einersberger pond
Coordinates 51 ° 48 ′ 51 ″  N , 10 ° 18 ′ 7 ″  E Coordinates: 51 ° 48 ′ 51 ″  N , 10 ° 18 ′ 7 ″  E
Data on the structure
Lock type: dam
Construction time: before 1672
Height above valley floor: 7.74 m
Crown length: 179 m
Operator: Harz waterworks
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 0.8 ha
Reservoir length 100 m
Reservoir width 80 m
Total storage space : 16 000  m³
14.1 Information board Mittlerer Einersberger Teich, 26-05-2019
16.1-Middle Einersberger pond. 26-05-2019
17.1 information board for an excursion, 26-05-2019
19.1-Middle Einersberger pond. 26-05-2019

The Middle Einersberger Teich in the Harz is a reservoir near Clausthal-Zellerfeld in the Goslar district in Lower Saxony . It is one of the Upper Harz ponds that were created for Montanz purposes.

The 0.8 ha large and listed lake is located about 1 km west of the Zellerfeld district in the middle of the forest on the eastern slope of the Einersberg. The pond was created before 1672, probably before 1650. It can only be reached via hiking trails.

The pond has three outflows at different heights, which were created and must have been in operation at different times. In its greatest expansion stage, the pond was apparently only used for a short time. At the end a fourth outflow was cut as a deep indentation in the dam crest. In this way it was usually caused that the draining water ate its way deeper and deeper into the dam crest over time. This was to ensure that the abandoned pond could no longer pose a threat and was a common practice in Harz. Here, however, the cut was lined so that the lake received a lower and stable water level and did not dry out.

100 m up the valley is the Obere Einersberger Teich, which is 4 hectares larger . Only remnants are left of the Lower Einersberger Pond that adjoins the valley below .

Rare animal and plant species live in the middle Einersberger pond, so it should not be bathed in it. There is a swimming area at the Upper Einersberger Pond for swimming. The Mittlere Einersberger pond is not used for fishing purposes.

See also

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