District of Goslar

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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the district of Goslar Map of Germany, position of the district of Goslar highlighted

Coordinates: 51 ° 52 '  N , 10 ° 24'  E

Basic data
Existing period: 1885–
State : Lower Saxony
Administrative headquarters : Goslar
Area : 965.29 km 2
Residents: 136,292 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 141 inhabitants per km 2
License plate : GS, BRL, CLZ
Circle key : 03 1 53
Circle structure: 10 municipalities
Address of the
district administration:
Klubgartenstrasse 6
38640 Goslar
Website : www.landkreis-goslar.de
District Administrator : Thomas Brych ( SPD )
Location of the district of Goslar in Lower Saxony
Landkreis Göttingen Landkreis Holzminden Landkreis Schaumburg Landkreis Goslar Region Hannover Landkreis Hildesheim Salzgitter Landkreis Wolfenbüttel Braunschweig Landkreis Wolfenbüttel Landkreis Peine Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont Landkreis Helmstedt Wolfsburg Landkreis Gifhorn Landkreis Nienburg/Weser Landkreis Northeim Landkreis Diepholz Freie Hansestadt Bremen Freie Hansestadt Bremen Hamburg Hamburg Königreich der Niederlande Nordrhein-Westfalen Hessen Thüringen Schleswig-Holstein Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Brandenburg Sachsen-Anhalt Osnabrück Landkreis Osnabrück Delmenhorst Oldenburg (Oldb) Landkreis Wesermarsch Landkreis Vechta Landkreis Emsland Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim Landkreis Leer Emden Landkreis Leer Landkreis Cloppenburg Landkreis Ammerland Wilhelmshaven Mellum Landkreis Aurich Landkreis Aurich Landkreis Wittmund Landkreis Aurich Landkreis Friesland Landkreis Oldenburg Landkreis Cuxhaven Landkreis Osterholz Landkreis Verden Landkreis Stade Landkreis Harburg Landkreis Lüneburg Landkreis Lüchow-Dannenberg Landkreis Heidekreis Landkreis Uelzen Landkreis Celle Landkreis Rotenburg (Wümme)map
About this picture

The district of Goslar is a district in the southeast of Lower Saxony . The administrative seat is the large independent city of Goslar .

With the administrative district Harz measuring 371.76 km², it is the largest municipality-free area in Germany and part of the district. The Wurmberg in the southeastern district is the highest mountain in Lower Saxony.



In the natural division of Germany , the district of Goslar comprises the south-western parts of the Innerstebergland and the western part of the Harz rim hollow . Along with the Harly , part of the Harlyberg-Fallstein-Huyberg-Hakel-Blankenburger elevations, which consists of individual, unrelated areas, belongs to the district. The entire southern part is taken up by the Harz , which in this area is divided into Upper and Middle Harz . In addition, a small part south of Seesen belongs to the southwestern Harz foreland .

While in the northern part of the district of Goslar only heights between 200 and a little more than 300 meters are reached (e.g. Bärenkopf , 307 m and Harlyberg , 256 m), the mountains in the Upper Harz reach significantly greater heights (e.g. Dicker Kopf , 670 m and Schalke , 762 m). In the middle Harz, with Achtermannshöhe (925 m), Bruchberg (927) and Wurmberg (971 m), heights of almost 1000 m can be reached. This means that the highest mountain in Lower Saxony is also in this district.

Neighboring areas

The district of Goslar borders clockwise to the east, beginning with the district of Harz (in Saxony-Anhalt ), the district of Nordhausen (in Thuringia ), the districts of Göttingen , Northeim , Hildesheim and Wolfenbüttel and the independent city of Salzgitter (all in Lower Saxony) .


All major rivers in the Goslar district have their source in the Harz Mountains and have been partially dammed. Worth mentioning are the Nette , the Innerste (with the Neile and Grane tributaries ) and the Oker (with the Radau and Ecker tributaries ). In addition, the Oder and the Warme Bode , one of the two source rivers of the Bode, arise in the district of Goslar . Larger areas of water were created in the district in three different ways:


Clausthal-Zellerfeld Braunlage Clausthal-Zellerfeld Clausthal-Zellerfeld Lutter am Barenberge Wallmoden Lutter am Barenberge Hahausen Seesen Liebenburg Langelsheim Goslar Goslar Braunlage Braunlage Bad Harzburg Langelsheim Clausthal-Zellerfeld Landkreis Goslar Niedersachsen Landkreis Wolfenbüttel Salzgitter Landkreis Wolfenbüttel Landkreis Hildesheim Landkreis Northeim Landkreis Göttingen Thüringen Sachsen-Anhalt gemeindefreies Gebiet HarzMunicipalities in GS.svg
About this picture

The number of inhabitants on December 31, 2019 in brackets.

Unified municipalities

  1. Bad Harzburg , City (21,926)
  2. Braunlage , City (5795)
  3. Clausthal-Zellerfeld , mountain and university town (15,727)
  4. Goslar , district town , large independent city (50,554)
  1. Langelsheim , City (11,285)
  2. Liebenburg , Municipality (7793)
  3. Seesen , city, independent municipality (19,240)

Joint municipality with its member municipalities

* Seat of the joint municipality administration

  1. Hahausen , Municipality (754)
  2. Lutter am Barenberge , Flecken * (2302)
  3. Wallmoden , Municipality (916)

unincorporated area

Population density

The district of Goslar, including the non-parish Harz region, has a population density of 144 inhabitants / km². If one excludes the community-free area, the populated part has a population density of 236 inhabitants / km², which is above the average for Lower Saxony and Germany.

Former parishes

The following table lists all municipalities that have ever belonged to the Goslar district and their current affiliation:

local community later
Date of
Alt Wallmoden Wallmoden March 1, 1974
Altenau Clausthal-Zellerfeld January 1, 2015 until July 1, 1972 district of Zellerfeld
Bad Harzburg Bad Harzburg until March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Leg around Salzgitter April 1, 1942
Booked Schladen
March 1, 1974
November 1, 2013
since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Braunlage Braunlage until July 1, 1972 district of Blankenburg
Bredelem Langelsheim July 1, 1972 July 1, 1972 to August 1, 1977 district of Gandersheim
Clausthal-Zellerfeld Clausthal-Zellerfeld until July 1, 1972 district of Zellerfeld
Dörnten Liebenburg July 1, 1972
Dorstadt Dorstadt since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Flachstöckheim Salzgitter April 1, 1942
Gielde Schladen-Werla 1. November 2013 since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Lattice on the mountain Salzgitter April 1, 1940 since April 25, 1949 an independent district of Salzgitter
Goslar Goslar April 1, 1922 to July 1, 1972 independent city
Big Döhren Liebenburg July 1, 1972
Big flute Flute March 1, 1974 since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Big warning Salzgitter April 1, 1942
Hahausen Hahausen until August 1, 1977 district of Gandersheim
Hahndorf Goslar July 1, 1972
Hahnenklee-Bockswiese Goslar July 1, 1972
Haverlah Haverlah since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Heiningen Heiningen since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
In other words Liebenburg July 1, 1972
Hohenrode Salzgitter April 1, 1942
Immenrode Vienenburg
July 1, 1972
January 1, 2014
Jerstedt Goslar July 1, 1972
Klein Döhren Liebenburg July 1, 1972
Small flute Flute March 1, 1974 since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Small warning Liebenburg July 1, 1972
Kniestedt Salzgitter April 1, 1938
Langelsheim Langelsheim until August 1, 1977 district of Gandersheim
Lengde Vienenburg
July 1, 1972
January 1, 2014
Lewe Liebenburg April 1, 1937
Liebenburg Liebenburg July 1, 1972
Love hall Salzgitter 1928
Lochtum Vienenburg
July 1, 1972
January 1, 2014
Lutter am Barenberge Lutter am Barenberge until August 1, 1977 district of Gandersheim
Neuenkirchen Liebenburg July 1, 1972
Ohlendorf Salzgitter April 1, 1942
Ohrum Ohrum since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Ostharingen Liebenburg July 1, 1972 until April 1, 1942 district of Gandersheim
Ostlutter Lutter am Barenberge March 1, 1974 until August 1, 1977 district of Gandersheim
Othfresen Liebenburg July 1, 1972
Ringelheim Salzgitter April 1, 1942
Salzgitter bath Salzgitter April 1, 1942
Sankt Andreasberg Braunlage November 1, 2011 until July 1, 1972 district of Zellerfeld
Schladen Schladen-Werla 1. November 2013 since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Schuleberg in the Upper Harz Clausthal-Zellerfeld January 1, 2015 until July 1, 1972 district of Zellerfeld
Seesen Seesen - until August 1, 1977 district of Gandersheim
Steinlah Haverlah March 1, 1974 since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Upen Liebenburg July 1, 1972
Vienenburg Goslar 1st of January 2014
Pre-salt Salzgitter 1926
Wallmoden Wallmoden until August 1, 1977 district of Gandersheim
Weddingen Vienenburg
July 1, 1972
January 1, 2014
Weirs Schladen
March 1, 1974
November 1, 2013
since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Werlaburgdorf Schladen-Werla 1. November 2013 since March 1, 1974 in the Wolfenbüttel district
Reunion Vienenburg
July 1, 1972
January 1, 2014
Wild man Clausthal-Zellerfeld January 1, 2015 until July 1, 1972 district of Zellerfeld


The district of Goslar, located in Ostfalen (except for Hohegeiß ) , was the focus of history early on. For centuries, its territory was split up between different landlords, later mainly between the Electorate of Hanover , the Hildesheim Monastery and the Principality of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel . From 1290 Goslar was a free imperial city , whose influence and surroundings were secured by various protective castles ( Liebenburg , Harliburg , Harzburg etc.). In addition, other powers invaded the territory for a time, so the Counts of Wernigerode tried in the 13th and 14th centuries to gain influence.

Historically, today's district of Goslar grew out of:

Administrative history

District of Goslar after the spin-off of the city of Goslar (1922) and before the spin-off of the manor districts of Grauhof and Riechenberg (1928); the area corresponded to the eastern part of the Hildesheim bishopric , which was dissolved in 1802 .

When districts were formed from the offices of the former Kingdom of Hanover in the Prussian province of Hanover on April 1, 1885 , the district of Goslar was also created (from the offices of Liebenburg and Wöltingerode and the city of Goslar.) The city ​​forest of Goslar , which until then became the Duchy of Braunschweig heard, was reclassified to Prussia in 1890 and thus enlarged the district. A slight reduction occurred in 1904, when an approximately 4.5 km² uninhabited area was reclassified to the Harzburg office in Brunswick .

Two downsizing of the district area took place on April 1, 1922 with the separation of the city of Goslar and in 1928 with the dissolution of the manor districts in Prussia, two of which were incorporated into the city of Goslar. On April 1, 1942, the district had to give up seven communities to form the city of Watenstedt-Salzgitter ; at the same time he received the municipality of Ostharingen , which until then had been an exclave of the district of Gandersheim .

Major changes only took place with the regional reform in Lower Saxony in three steps:

  1. First of all, the Harz Act brought the northern parts of the dissolved districts of Blankenburg and Zellerfeld to the district of Goslar, into which the previously independent city of Goslar was also incorporated (July 1, 1972).
  2. In 1974 the district of Goslar gave seven municipalities to the district of Wolfenbüttel; In return, the city of Bad Harzburg, which was enlarged in 1972, was awarded to him.
  3. After the district of Goslar had to surrender a municipality to the district of Gandersheim in 1972, it received the eastern parts of this dissolved district on August 1, 1977, namely the communities of Hahausen, Langelsheim, Lutter am Barenberge, Seesen and Wallmoden.

From the 2010s on, several community mergers took place in the Goslar district:

  1. First, on November 1, 2011, the mountain town of Sankt Andreasberg was incorporated into the town of Braunlage .
  2. On January 1, 2014, the city of Vienenburg and its districts were incorporated into the district town of Goslar .
  3. On January 1, 2015, the combined municipality of Upper Harz with the member municipalities of Altenau , Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Schulenberg im Oberharz and Wildemann was converted into the mountain and university town of Clausthal-Zellerfeld .
  4. On November 1, 2021, the Lutter am Barenberge joint community with its member communities Hahausen , Lutter am Barenberge and Wallmoden will merge with the city of Langelsheim .


Originally formed as a Prussian district, the district came to the Free State of Braunschweig on November 1, 1941 together with the independent city of Goslar , which in return had to surrender the Holzminden district to Prussia. After the war, the district was in the British zone of occupation and became part of Lower Saxony.

Population development

Today's district area

Population development in the district of Goslar from 1821 to 2017. The lower red graph corresponds to the respective territorial status
year Residents
1821 57,421
1848 71,526
1871 74,537
1885 83.201
1905 103.168
1925 110.292
1933 111,559
1939 121,654
1946 184.502
year Residents
1950 199,520
1956 181,672
1961 178,872
1968 178,957
1970 175.174
1975 177,513
1980 171,472
1985 164,626
1987 157.839
year Residents
1990 162.022
1995 161,549
2000 156.247
2005 151,452
2010 143.014
2012 138,655
2016 137.979
2017 137,563

(Status: 1961: on June 6th, 1970: on May 27th, 1987: on May 25th [census results], from 1968 otherwise on December 31st)

District of Goslar with the respective territorial status

year Residents
1890 44,227
1900 50.051
1910 52,248
1925 33,884
year Residents
1939 43,169
1950 50.129
1960 41,800
1970 40,800


District Administrator

On June 2, 2013 Thomas Brych (SPD) was elected as the new district administrator. From November 2006 to February 2013, Stephan Manke (SPD) was the district administrator. Manke was appointed State Secretary in the Lower Saxony Ministry of the Interior on February 19, 2013. Until the election of a new district administrator on June 2nd, First District Administrator Kathrin Weiher (non-party) took over the office of Stephan Manke.

District council

The district election on September 11, 2016 brought the following result:

District election 2016
Turnout: 51.6%
Gains and losses
compared to 2011
 % p
Distribution of seats in the district council
A total of 50 seats
Parties and constituencies Percent
SPD Social Democratic Party of Germany 37.8 19th 39.6 20th 44.3 21st
CDU Christian Democratic Union of Germany 29.9 15th 35.5 18th 36.7 18th
Green Alliance 90 / The Greens 7.2 4th 10.5 5 5.2 2
AfD Alternative for Germany 11.1 5 - - - -
FDP Free Democratic Party 5.4 3 3.9 2 7.8 4th
BL Citizen List 4.3 2 5.0 2 1.7 1
left The left 4.3 2 3.8 2 3.8 2
NPD National Democratic Party of Germany - - 1.7 1 - -
Bodo Arend - single nomination - - - - 0.1 0
Jürgen Hagemann - single nomination - - - - 0.4 0
total 100 50 100 50 100 48
Turnout in percent 51.6 53.9 50.7

coat of arms

Blazon : split into gold and red ; in front half a red-armored black eagle at the gap, behind a left-turning , gold-armored and blue-tongued silver lion .


A partnership with the Polish district of Trzebnica in Lower Silesia has existed since 2000 . Further partnerships existed with the former Frederiksborg Amt ( Denmark ) and the former Wernigerode district .

Economy and Infrastructure

Entrance gate to HC Starck , the largest employer in the district


Due to its geographical location on the Harz Mountains, the district of Goslar is traditionally characterized by the mining industry. Important industrial locations are the Langelsheim and Oker - Harlingerode area , in the latter is the largest employer in the district, the chemical company HC Starck , which is known for its metallic (tantalum, tungsten, molybdenum) and ceramic (cobalt, nickel, boron) powders is. The companies Harzer Zinkoxyde, Crown, Mann + Hummel, the Asklepios Harzkliniken (Goslar, Bad Harzburg and Clausthal-Zellerfeld) and the Asklepios Kliniken Schildautal (Seesen) should be mentioned as other larger companies. Chemetall in Langelsheim primarily produces lithium products . This metal, along with other products, is increasingly important for lithium batteries and accumulators , which will be important as a power source for electric vehicles. Research is also carried out here into the recycling of lithium batteries from electric cars. Furthermore, the company Electrocycling is located in Harlingerode , which operates one of the largest recycling plants for electrical devices in Europe.

The Münchehof industrial area includes Fels -Werke GmbH (Kalkwerk Münchehof) and the Fermacell works of James Hardie Europe GmbH . The companies TSN-Beton-Südharz and KEMNA Straßenbau GmbH are also located there. In addition, the Lower Saxony Forest Education Center is located in the village.

The Trinks company is a large beverage logistics company that is represented throughout Germany and has its headquarters in Goslar.

Tourism has gained in importance, especially in recent times (structural change) . There are two world cultural heritage sites in Goslar , a large part of the district is still occupied by the Harz National Park . Bad Harzburg , Braunlage and Clausthal-Zellerfeld are traditionally shaped by tourism.

In the Future Atlas 2019, the district of Goslar ranks 287th out of 402 districts, municipal associations and independent cities in Germany and is therefore one of the regions with "balanced opportunities / risks". The district has thus caught up by 51 places compared to 2016.


A 36 near Goslar-Vienenburg with junction to A 369 to Goslar / Bad Harzburg ( north Harz motorway triangle )
Three-lane B 82 near Langelsheim in the direction of A 7


The district of Goslar has three motorways. The federal highway 7 crosses the Seesen city area for about 15 kilometers in the western part of the district and has the exits Rhüden / Harz and Seesen / Harz . It leads towards Kassel to the south and Hanover to the north. In the eastern part of the district in the city of Goslar there is the Federal Motorway 36 , which was newly established in 2019 , through which there is a connection to the metropolitan areas of Braunschweig and Halle (Saale) in Central Germany and here has the Lengde , Vienenburg and Osterwieck exits. At Goslar- Lochtum at the northern Harz motorway triangle , the 369 federal motorway branches off as a feeder for traffic to Bad Harzburg. It has the Vienenburg-Süd and Harlingerode runs and ends in the Bad Harzburger Dreieck .

The Bundesautobahn 36 was originally planned with the Bad Harzburger Dreieck as the beginning. Using the current B6 route, it should bypass Goslar further north and connect the northern district from east to west. A continuous route via Alfeld (Leine) and Hameln to Bielefeld , in part as federal motorway 35 , was discarded after the 1970s.

Federal highways

The B 82 together with their relation Seesen-Goslar the most important east-west link within the county. The traffic from the eastern northern Harz to the A 7 runs over it, a three-lane expansion as a trunk road has taken place over a long distance .

The B 6 leads via Hildesheim and Salzgitter through Liebenburg to Goslar. Here it joins the B 82 and continues to the east as a motorway-like main road through the Goslar city area. From the GS-Oker junction, it is designed with hard shoulder and meets the minimum standards for a motorway; it joins the A 369 at the Bad Harzburg motorway triangle, so that the A 7 – A 36 connection is completed here.

The B 4 , which once led as a country road from Bad Harzburg to Braunschweig and was replaced by motorways and motorway-like routes from 1971 to 1994 , also begins at the motorway triangle . It initially runs as a four-lane route through Bad Harzburg's urban area and continues into the Harz as a four-lane route, but without hard shoulder. At the Torfhaus level, it changes into a three-lane and later two-lane structure before opening up Braunlage with a three-lane construction method as a bypass. South of the village of Hohegeiß, the B 4 leaves the state of Lower Saxony and continues in the direction of Nordhausen and Erfurt .

The B 243 begins directly on the A 7 in Seesen and is also developed like a motorway. It leads south past the urban area and leads the traffic from the southern Harz on its four-lane route to Herzberg into the district, so that it serves to relieve the A 38 further south .

The following federal highways also cross the district:

County roads


The Vienenburg station is the oldest operating station in Germany

The area of ​​today's district was connected to the railway network with the Braunschweig – Bad Harzburg railway as early as 1840. From this, the Braunschweig – Kreiensen railway branched off via Seesen since 1856 and the Vienenburg – Goslar railway since 1866. Since 1875 the Hildesheim – Goslar line and the former Halberstadt – Vienenburg line (until 1945, now with a new route along the Heudeber-Danstedt – Vienenburg line ) have been part of the Hanover –Northharz– Halle (Saale) connection . There is also the connection from Seesen to Herzberg and the connections Seesen – Goslar and Goslar – Bad Harzburg .

The lines via Clausthal-Zellerfeld to Altenau ( Innerstetalbahn ) and the rail connections to Braunlage ( Südharz-Eisenbahn ) and St. Andreasberg ( Odertalbahn ) have meanwhile been dismantled. The Derneburg – Seesen branch line is also out of service. The former Halberstadt –Wasserleben – Vienenburg – Grauhof – Langelsheim route served the east-west through traffic until 1945 and has also disappeared.

Public buses

After extensive closures of railway lines, the bus service in the Harz is of great importance. As a result, Regionalbus Braunschweig (RBB) initially established itself as the main provider in the district, replacing the canceled stations as a subcontractor of Deutsche Bahn . In January 2019, the RBB decided to give up 17 lines in the northern district (Seesen / Salzgitter-Bad / Goslar / Bad Harzburg area) due to inefficiency. HarzBus GbR was formed in February 2019 as a consortium of several transport companies to maintain the existing line of routes and took over the operation of all lines canceled by RBB on April 1, 2019. In Bad Harzburg, the Kraftverkehrsgesellschaft Braunschweig covers regular service and has its own depot there.

With the Goslar district of Vienenburg, the district is connected to the Saxony-Anhalt state network with line 210 (Vienenburg ↔ Halberstadt ) .

Culture and sights

natural reserve

The entire part of the Harz in the district of Goslar belongs to the cross-county Harz Nature Park , with the exception of an area in the southwest, which is even more strictly protected as the cross-border Harz National Park . There are also 22 nature reserves .

NSG mark Nature reserve Area in ha founding
BR 004 Butterberg area 6.6 0Feb 5, 1952
BR 006 Upper Harz 164, 0 Apr 10, 1954
BR 009 Bredelem slag dump 2.3 Apr 16, 1976
BR 013 Silver hollow 2.3 0June 2nd 1977
BR 019 Vienenburger gravel ponds 27.5 0Nov 2, 1979
BR 043 Okertal 246, 0 02nd June 1982
BR 045 Tönneckenkopf – Röseckenbach 20th, 0 Aug 16, 1982
BR 055 Mountain meadow companies near Hohegeiß 18th, 0 0June 2nd 1983
BR 056 Pöbbeckenmühle 5, 0 July 16, 1983
BR 058 Block rubble dumps on the Rammelsberg 18.5 Nov 16, 1983
BR 064 Bärenbachstal 4th, 0 December 17, 1984
BR 066 Barley 20th, 0 June 18, 1985
BR 081 Stream valleys in the Upper Harz around Braunlage 376.7 0June 2, 1989
BR 083 Eastern Langenberg 28, 0 17th Mar 1987
BR 091 Osterfeld clay pits 4th, 0 0Sep 2 1989
BR 095 Mountain meadows near St. Andreasberg 216.6 Aug 18, 1992
BR 105 Siebertal 694.7 June 16, 1992
BR 111 Johannes mountain meadows 12, 0 0Apr 3, 1991
BR 127 Okertal south of Vienenburg 205, 0 0Dec 6, 2007
BR 131 Middle Innerstetal with Kanstein 563, 0 25 Sep 2008
BR 140 Wurmberg 183, 0 Apr 10, 1954
BR 141 Appelhorn 245, 0 Dec 19, 2008

See also:

License Plate

On July 1, 1956, the district was assigned the GS distinctive sign when the vehicle registration number that is still valid today was introduced . It is still issued today. Since November 15, 2012, as a result of the license plate liberalization , the distinctive signs BRL (Braunlage / Landkreis Blankenburg (Lower Saxony) ) and CLZ (Clausthal-Zellerfeld / Landkreis Zellerfeld ) have been available.

Web links

Commons : Landkreis Goslar  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. State Office for Statistics Lower Saxony, LSN-Online regional database, Table 12411: Update of the population, as of December 31, 2019  ( help ).
  2. State Office for Statistics Lower Saxony, LSN-Online regional database, Table 12411: Update of the population, as of December 31, 2019  ( help ).
  3. ^ Municipal directory 1910: District of Goslar
  4. ^ Territorial.de: District of Goslar
  5. ^ A b Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. goslar.html. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  6. ^ District regulation for the province of Hanover (1884)
  7. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 203 .
  8. Goslarsche Zeitung : The merger is dry . 29th November 2019.
  9. Ordinance on territorial adjustments in the area of ​​the Hermann-Göring-Werke Salzgitter
  10. Statistical Yearbook for the Federal Republic of Germany 1972
  11. ^ District of Goslar: District Administrator Thomas Brych ; contains short résumé. Retrieved March 6, 2018
  12. Thomas Brych is Goslar's new district administrator. (No longer available online.) Goslarsche Zeitung, June 2, 2013, formerly in the original ; Retrieved June 11, 2013 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.goslarsche.de  
  13. ^ District administrator gone: Poor move to Hanover perfect. (No longer available online.) Goslarsche Zeitung, February 18, 2013, formerly in the original ; Retrieved February 19, 2013 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.goslarsche.de  
  14. ^ Election result at www.landkreis-goslar.de .
  15. [1] Results of the local elections in 2001 and 2006
  16. - ( Memento of the original from August 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Result of the 2011 local elections @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.nls.niedersachsen.de
  17. ^ Partnership with the Trzebnica County in Poland. District of Goslar, accessed on June 29, 2011 .
  18. Lithium - a tension maker on the circulatory course. VDI Nachrichten, January 7, 2011, accessed on June 29, 2011 .
  19. Goslarsche Zeitung : Weaknesses analyzed: the district is catching up in a nationwide comparison . 12th July 2019.
  20. Norddeutscher Rundfunk : "HarzBus" takes over regular services in the Harz region . March 18, 2019, accessed March 24, 2019.
  21. Goslar district: List of nature reserves. NLWKN , January 1, 2009, accessed June 29, 2011 .