Modest Ivanovich Bogdanovich

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Modest Ivanovich Bogdanovich

Modest Iwanowitsch Bogdanowitsch ( Russian Модест Иванович Богданович ; * 26 August July / 7 September  1805 greg .; † 25 July July / 6 August  1882 greg. In Oranienbaum near Saint Petersburg ) was a lieutenant general in the Russian army and military writer .

Modest Ivanovich, a nephew of the poet Ippolit Fyodorowitsch Bogdanowitsch , had been an officer since 1823 . In this capacity he took part in the campaign against Poland .

In 1839 Bogdanowitsch became professor of war history and strategy at the St. Petersburg Military Academy .


  • Bonaparte's campaign in Italy in 1796 . St. Petersburg (1859-60)
  • Rumyantsov, Potemkin's and Savyrov's campaigns in Turkey . (1852)
  • History of the Patriotic War 1812 . 2 vols. St. Petersburg (1861)
  • History of the war of 1813 . St. Petersburg (1863-69)
  • History of the war of 1814 .
  • History of the government of Alexander I. 6 vols. St. Petersburg (1869–71)
  • The Oriental War of 1854–56 . 4 vols. St. Petersburg (1876)


  • V. Besotosny: Otetschestvennaja woina 1812 goda: enziklopedija . Rosspen, Moscow 2004, ISBN 978-5-8243-0324-7 , pp. 72-73. (Russian)