Molenfeuer Überseehafen South

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South overseas port
Ueberseehafen South 0502.jpg
Place: Bremen - Überseestadt
Location: On the southern mole of the overseas port
Geographical location: 53 ° 6 '22.4 "  N , 8 ° 44' 51.9"  E Coordinates: 53 ° 6 '22.4 "  N , 8 ° 44' 51.9"  E
Fire carrier height : 12 m
Fire height : 14 m
Molenfeuer Überseehafen South (Bremen)
Molenfeuer Überseehafen South
Identifier : FG
Function: Pier fire
Construction time: 1906
Operating time: since 1906
International ordinal number: B 1308


The Molenfeuer Überseehafen Süd (nicknamed "Mäuseturm") is a small lighthouse in the port area of the city of Bremen . It stands on the mole at the end of Überseestadt at the turning basin at the exit of the wood and factory harbor, the grain harbor and the crane harbor. Originally it served together with the beacon on Shipyard Island to light the entrance to the overseas port. However, he lost this function after it was filled up in the 1990s.

From an architectural point of view, the “Mäuseturm” is a round tower twelve meters high with two galleries, a bay window , a green-painted lantern house and a copper roof . Erected in 1906 from evenly hewn gray-brown porta sandstone blocks, the tower is still in operation today and has a green light for nine nautical miles . In 2007, the access path was cleared along with a clearing so that the path became more accessible.

In 2019, access via the pier was paved as part of the development of the “Waller Sand” park on the edge of Überseestadt. Since then, the tower has been a popular destination for pedestrians and cyclists.

In 2000 the pier house was placed under monument protection as a single monument with the pier section as an ensemble .

Web links

Commons : Molenfeuer Überseehafen Süd  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Monument database of the LfD Bremen