Mompha sexstrigella

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Mompha sexstrigella
Mompha sexstrigella1.jpg

Mompha sexstrigella

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Superfamily : Gelechioidea
Family : Fringed moths (Momphidae)
Genre : Mompha
Type : Mompha sexstrigella
Scientific name
Mompha sexstrigella
( Braun , 1921)

Mompha sexstrigella is a butterfly ( moth ) fromthe fringed moth family (Momphidae).


The moths reach a wingspan of 10 to 11 millimeters. Mompha sexstrigella is very similar to Mompha raschkiella , but all four lead-gray spots merge on the forewing . The brownish orange markings on the forewings are reduced to small spots and two apical lines. The spots are at 1/5 and 3/4 of the forewing length and in front of the wing center. The apex is outlined by a dark brown line and four to six white spots. The hind wings shimmer light gray.

In the males, the cucullus is widest above the base. It tapers slightly distally and has a rounded apex. The saccule is as long as the cucullus, it tapers abruptly to a blunt and curved point. The dorsal margin of the saccule is heavily sclerotized from the base to the second third and forks apically . The uncus is slim and pointed. The Gnathos is membranous. The anellus lobes are long and pointed. The aedeagus is slender and has three cornuti, the middle one is large and hook-shaped.

In the females the 7th sternite is rather heavily sclerotized and wrinkled on the sides. The front margin is strongly concave on both sides of the ostium , the side margins are apparently extended backwards. The sterigma has two tapered lobes that merge at the back. The ostium is slightly cup-shaped. The front half of the ductus bursae is funnel-shaped and sclerotized, with a non-sclerotized band at its widest point. The back half is not sclerotized and narrows to the corpus bursae. The corpus bursae is provided with two sickle-shaped signs.

Similar species

Mompha sexstrigella differs from Mompha raschkiella in the absence of large orange spots and the lighter rear wings.


Mompha sexstrigella is holarctic . In Europe, the species is native to northern Fennoscandinavia ( Sweden , Finland , Kola Peninsula) and Estonia . In the Asian part of Russia the species occurs in the Altai Mountains, in southern Siberia and on Sakhalin . In North America , the species was found in Canada and in the western United States .


The caterpillars develop on narrow-leaved fireweed ( Chamerion angustifolium ). The species forms only one generation a year. The caterpillars are leaf miners and live from July to August. The mine begins as a feeding tunnel and then becomes a space mine. The caterpillars pupate inside the mine. The moths fly from the second half of June to mid-August.


The following synonyms are known from the literature:

  • Psacaphora sexstrigella Braun , 1921
  • Mompha complexa Svensson , 1982


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e J. C. Koster, S. Yu. Sinev: Momphidae, Batrachedridae, Stathmopodidae, Agonoxenidae, Cosmopterigidae, Chrysopeleiidae . In: P. Huemer, O. Karsholt, L. Lyneborg (eds.): Microlepidoptera of Europe . 1st edition. tape 5 . Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2003, ISBN 87-88757-66-8 , pp. 50 (English).
  2. a b Mompha sexstrigella in Fauna Europaea

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