Mona Vale (Sydney)

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Mona Vale
Mona Vale Beach
State : AustraliaAustralia Australia
State : Flag of New South Wales.svg New South Wales
City : Sydney
Coordinates : 33 ° 41 ′  S , 151 ° 18 ′  E Coordinates: 33 ° 41 ′  S , 151 ° 18 ′  E
Area : 4.6  km²
Residents : 10,670 (2016)
Population density : 2320 inhabitants per km²
Time zone : AEST (UTC +10)
Postal code : 2103
LGA : Pittwater Council
Mona Vale (Sydney)
Mona Vale
Mona Vale

Mona Vale is a suburb in northern Sydney in New South Wales , Australia . Mona Vale is 28 kilometers north of the city center and has been the administrative seat of the Administrative Area (LGA) Pittwater Council since 2005 .

The area was known to the Aborigines as Bongin Bongin . The first land in the Pittwater District was granted on April 23, 1813. The area that today includes Mona Vale went to Robert Campbell (1769–1846).

Web links

Commons : Mona Vale  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Australian Bureau of Statistics : Mona Vale ( English ) In: 2016 Census QuickStats . June 27, 2017. Retrieved April 30, 2020.
  2. Pittwater's Past - Mona Vale. Mona Vale Library, accessed December 28, 2010 .