Moritz Fürstenberg

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Moritz Heinrich Fürstenberg (born May 15, 1818 in Berlin , † September 13, 1872 in Eldena ) was a German veterinarian .

Fürstenberg studied veterinary medicine in Berlin from 1839, became a tutor at the local veterinary school in 1848 , department veterinarian in Liegnitz in 1850 , teacher in 1853 and professor at the Royal State and Agricultural Academy in Eldena in 1865 .

Fürstenberg exerted a significant influence on the development of veterinary medicine of his time by laying down the results of his own very thorough scientific research in his works and also being a role model for younger veterinarians in scientific investigations. In his work, especially in the classic work on grave mites , he made numerous contributions to comparative pathology .


  • About the stones and concrements in the body of animals ( Magazin für Tierheilkunde , Vol. 10, 12, 13, 21)
  • About fatty growths
  • The itch mites of humans and animals (Leipzig 1861)
  • The mammary glands of the cow (Leipzig 1868)
  • The anatomy and physiology of the cattle (Berlin 1868 ff .; revised by Müller, 1876)