Moses Brück

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Moses Brück (also Moses Bruck , * 1812 in Prerau , † 1849 in Hódmezővásárhely ) was an Austrian Jewish theologian and advocate of Reform Judaism .

Brück studied in Prague and then went to Hungary , as he did not get a teaching position in Moravia as he had hoped . When the revolution of 1849 broke out , he joined the Hungarian independence movement in Großbetschkerek and joined the Honvéd as an officer . He died the following year in the fighting for Hódmezővásárhely and was buried with military honors.

Brück was a committed spokesman for Jewish reform efforts and was one of the pioneers of modern Jewish theological literature. His works include The Reform of Judaism , Rabbinic Ceremonial Customs, and Pharisee Folk Customs and Rituals ; the latter were praised by Abraham Geiger . They are among the standard works on Jewish ceremonies and customs.


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