Engine keeper

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Nautical book

In the classic ship operation of the German shipping industry, engine keeper was the name for a ship-technical occupation in the machine system , in land operations it can be compared with a machine fitter .

The engine guards had a metalworking usually on land occupation learned such. B. machine fitters or car mechanics. He applied to a shipping company by submitting a journeyman's or skilled worker certificate and was earmarked for a ship. With the necessary appointment papers for this ship and after a health examination, he was from Seemannsamt then as a cleaner for this ship screened . For this purpose, the seaman's office issued and handed him a nautical book with a photo. After two years of driving as a cleaner, he was usually promoted to engine maintenance. With good leadership, very good technical and organizational skills, he was promoted from the shipping company to storekeeper after 3 to 5 years .

This career path no longer exists in German shipping today, it was replaced in 1983 by the profession of ship mechanic . The ship mechanic is a universally deployable specialist who has replaced the sailor on deck and the engine attendant in the engine room.

In inland shipping , the job title is sailor engine manager.


  • Introduction to ship operations. Central Office for Education of the Ministry of Transport, Berlin 1983
  • Boer, Friedrich: Everything about a ship and its cargo; 1962 Freiburg; Herder publishing house
  • Flechsenhaar, Kurt: Cap San Diego; 1994 Herford; Koehlers Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-7822-0609-6