Mounir Satouri

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Mounir Satouri (2019)

Mounir Satouri (born May 25, 1975 in Casablanca , Morocco ) is a French politician ( EELV ). In the course of the European elections in 2019 he won a mandate and has since been a member of the ninth European Parliament as part of the Greens / EFA group .


Mounir Satouri was born on May 25, 1975 in the Derb Ghalef district of Casablanca. According to his own statements, he began to be interested in politics at an early age: at the age of 15 he joined the youth movement of the Socialist Union of People's Forces (USFP). During a major student strike, in which Satouri was involved, he was detained for four weeks for "disturbing public order". This prompted his father to bring Satouri to France, who had lived there since the 1960s.

Satouri moved to Yvelines , where he joined the Union nationale des étudiants de France in 1995 . He was committed to the association (until around 1998) in particular in anti-nuclear demonstrations such as human rights protests. In the meantime, Soutir was a member of the Parti Socialiste , but, according to his own statements, resigned when they removed the voting rights of foreigners from their program.

In 2001 he joined the Les Verts and has since been committed to them. After he took on French citizenship in 2002, he was also able to run for political offices in France: in 2008 he was elected to the city council of Les Mureaux and in 2010 to the regional council of the Île-de-France . In 2015 he was re-elected to the regional council of Île-de-France.

In the parliamentary elections in 2012 , Satouri ran as a joint candidate for the list connection EELV-PS-PRG in the ninth constituency of Yvelines, which has been held by the right for more than 25 years. In the first round of 2012 he achieved 33.26 percent, in the runoff election 43.17 percent.

In 2019 his party nominated him for the electoral list of the 2019 European elections . It received 7th place on the joint list of Europe Écologie-Les Verts (EELV), Alliance écologiste indépendante (AEI) and Régions et peuples solidaires . The joint list won 13.43 percent, 13 of the 79 French mandates, including Mounir Satouri. Since then he has been a member of the ninth European Parliament and joined the Greens / EFA group . For his group he is a member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and the Subcommittee on Security and Defense . He is also a deputy member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Subcommittee on Human Rights .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Legislatives 2012: Mounir Satouri, natif de Derb Ghalef et candidat dans les Yvelines. In: May 18, 2012, accessed July 5, 2019 (French).
  2. ^ A b Mounir Satouri president des Verts d'Ile-de-France. In: Le Parisien. July 3, 2012, accessed July 5, 2019 (French).
  3. a b Mounir Satouri - Suffrage Universel. Retrieved July 5, 2019 .
  4. Home | Mounir SATOURI | MPs | European Parliament. Retrieved July 5, 2019 .