Mount Senderens

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Mount Senderens
height 1315  m
location South Georgia
Coordinates 54 ° 50 '13 "  S , 36 ° 7' 5"  W Coordinates: 54 ° 50 '13 "  S , 36 ° 7' 5"  W.
Mount Senderens (South Georgia)
Mount Senderens

Mount Senderens is a 1315  m high mountain in the south of South Georgia . It rises immediately south of Mount Sabatier and 1.5 km northeast of Rogged Bay .

The mountain is first noted on maps from the 1930s. The South Georgia Survey took surveys between 1951 and 1957 . The UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee named it in 1958 after the French chemist and Nobel Prize winner Jean Baptiste Senderens (1856–1937), who, together with Paul Sabatier, developed catalytic hydrogenation for fat hardening in 1907 , which was important in the processing of whale oil .

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