Muhammad Uthman Abd al-Burhani

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Muhammad Uthman Abd al-Burhani ( Arabic محمد عثمان عبد البرهاني Muḥammad ʿUṯmān ʿAbd al-Burhānī ; * Beginning of the 20th century in Wadi Halfa in Sudan ; † April 5, 1983 in Khartoum ) was a sheikh of the Burhani - Tariqa ( at-Tariqa al-burhaniyya ).


As a child he had a desire in the Sufi -Orden at-Tariqa al-burhaniyya to be initiated. After much pressure, his uncle granted this request. However, for a long time he found no one who could instruct him in the exercises and prayers of the order. Eventually he practiced long night vigils and intense prayer exercises on his own. Years later he met a blind scholar who said of himself that Sayyid Ibrahim ad-Disuqi (the original founder of the order) had sent him to teach him further.

Muhammad Uthman later found documents that contained the entire awrad (the special prayer exercises of the Burhani tariqa). His grandparents had hidden and buried these in clay jugs at the time of the book burning of Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad .

In a vision that lasted over 40 days, he felt the mandate to revive the tariqa. After initial hesitation that lasted over two months, he finally accepted the job.

The tariqa spread for the first time under his leadership; before that it usually consisted only of a small group of dervishes and the sheikh, who passed on his knowledge to the respective successor.

Over the years the tariqa found numerous followers in Sudan and Egypt . Sheikh Muhammad Uthman, nicknamed Sayyid Fahr ad-Din , is buried in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. His grave is a popular place. Today the tariqa is spread over all continents and in many countries of the world.