Munjuku Nguvauva II.

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Munjuku Nguvauva II , officially Munjuku II Nguvauva (born January 1, 1923 in Maun , Botswana , † January 16, 2008 in Windhoek , Namibia ), was a traditional leader of the Ovambo and Herero tribal group , formerly Mbanderu , in Namibia.

Nguvauva was the great-grandson of Kahimemua Nguvauva , a leader of the Ovambanderu tribe, who was murdered in 1896 while fighting the German colonial government. Munjuku Nguvauva moved with his family from Botswana to Namibia in 1951 and was appointed Mbanderu boss. He was also vice chairman of the Council of Traditional Leaders of Namibia.

He died of multiple strokes. He was buried with a state funeral.

See also

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predecessor Office successor
Sylvanus Hoveka King of Ovambanderu
( Traditional Herero Leader )