Crustacean mite

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Crustacean mite
Subclass : Mites (acari)
Order : Prostigmata
Family : Oxidae
Subfamily : Oxinae
Genre : Frontipoda
Type : Crustacean mite
Scientific name
Frontipoda musculus
( OV Müller , 1776)

The mussel crab mite ( Frontipoda musculus ) is a species from the superfamily of freshwater mites (Hydrachnellae).

The animals are colored dark green, red or brown. The body is strongly arched and compressed on the sides. When viewed from the side it is reminiscent of a mussel crab, hence the German name. For this reason, the animals always fall on their side when looking under the microscope. The legs at the forehead are arranged one below the other, the last pair of legs has a long bristle (sword bristle) instead of claws. The palps are very short and thin. Except for a gap in the back, the body is enclosed by fused hip plates.

The animals live in stagnant water and are widespread, but rare.


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