Musica e Vita

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Musica e Vita (Italian: "Music and Life") is an international association for the promotion of the New Religious Song .

In 1983 the international competition "Rassegna Mondiale della Canzone Religiosa Popolare" took place in Rome , to which 500 entries from 24 nations were submitted. Manfred Porsch took first place with the song “The Spirit of the Lord rests on me”. The international exchange of experience and the friendships that have developed between the musicians led to the idea of ​​founding a worldwide association for the New Religious Song. In 1986 MEPs from six countries founded “Musica e Vita” in Rome.


Musica e Vita has existed as an association in Austria since 1987. As early as 1986, Musica e Vita organized a concert in what was then the most modern discotheque in Austria, the “Fabrik” in St. Pölten , which was attended by 1,200 people. Numerous "Festival of Songs" events were held annually (129 until the association was dissolved).

The association magazine "Musik und Leben" appeared six times a year.

In 1999 Musica e Vita Austria was dissolved due to a lack of financial and human resources.

The best known members of Musica e Vita Austria were Cantores Dei, Alfred Hochedlinger , Leopold Husinsky , Claudia Mitscha-Eibl , Josef Pichler , Manfred Porsch , Manfred Schwarz.


Jürgen Zach got to know Musica e Vita Austria in 1986 during a competition. The first event in 1990 was a Christmas singing, from which the concert series "... the other Advent singing" developed. In October 1994, Zach founded the Musica er Vita Germany association based in Ensdorf . A regular postal newsletter informs the members about dates and activities.
The highlight of the workshop year is always the September weekend after the end of the holidays in Bavaria: the “NGL Total Weekend”. There are also “on-site workshops” and “song filling stations”.

Prominent members of Musica e Vita Germany are Alexander Bayer , Norbert Becker , Robert Haas , Peter Hahnen , Gerhard Hany , Felix Schonauer , Klaus Simon, Thomas Quast .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Chronicle