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Coordinates: 38 ° 20 ′ 51 ″  N , 34 ° 13 ′ 33.5 ″  E

Relief Map: Turkey
Finds from Musular and Güvercinkaya in the Aksaray Museum

Musular is an archaeological site of the late akeramischen Neolithic and the ceramic Neolithic in the Cappadocian Central Anatolia . It is located near the village of Kızılkaya, Aksaray , 400 m from Aşıklı Höyük and dates from 7600-7200  cal BC .


Musular was discovered during field visits by Ian Todd's Aşıklı project; between 1997 and 2004 excavations took place under the direction of Mihriban Özbaşaran from the University of Istanbul . An area of ​​220 × 120 m was uncovered. Musular was founded on tuff rocks . It is an open settlement. The Melendiz brook , which rises in the Melendiz Mountains, separates them from Aşıklı Höyük. The sites of the akeramischen Neolithic of Gedikbaşı and Yellibelen Tepesi are less than 1.5 km away from Musular. While Gedikbaşı and Yellibelen have so far mainly been examined by field inspections , excavations have taken place in Aşıklı Höyük.

Cultural environment

Musular dates back to the youngest class of Aşıklı Höyük. Most likely hunting booty was processed here. The cattle found in Musular were on average larger than those in Aşıklı Höyük and probably mostly male. For both sites it is unclear whether the cattle were already domesticated. A younger layer already belongs to the ceramic Neolithic.


A building in Musular had a hollow inside. It was equipped with a red colored limestone floor and clay benches. The rectangular building A was partly built on the natural rock. It had a red burnt lime floor and clay benches on the south, west, and east sides. A square hearth was made of rammed earth . There were also two post holes and two pits in the interior. It is similar to Building T in Aşıklı Höyük. The place was criss-crossed with water channels, some of which are sunk into the rock. Güneş and Özbaşaran do not consider these to be drainage canals. There are no storage rooms, millstones or similar indications of settlement activity. From this it is concluded that it was a suburb of Aşıklı Höyüks with special functions. Özbaşaran takes on a ritual function, according to Asouti, perhaps in connection with cattle hunting. The large number of scratches seems to indicate that the coat has been processed. Leatherworking was also often banned to the edge of the settlement in later times because of the nuisance caused by smell and flies.

Finds and whereabouts

The flint industry consists almost entirely of obsidian . Debit days are largely missing, so the devices were manufactured elsewhere. The obsidian comes from Kayirli on the Göllü Dağ , 30 km southeast and the Nenezi Dağ , 20 km in the east. The origin of the flint used has not yet been clarified. Analysis of signs of use confirm the processing of meat and skin. Bone processing seems to have played an important role in the settlement. Awls of various sizes and shapes are the most common device type with 57%. Broken, but otherwise unworked bones were also used. A possible arm protection plate comes from the layers of the ceramic Neolithic, but could be relocated from earlier layers. Comparable specimens are known from Çatal Höyük . An unfinished crest is so far unique. As far as can be determined, cattle bones also predominate among the bone tools.

Musular finds are on display in the Aksaray Museum.


  • Duru Güneş, Mihriban Özbaşaran: A 'non domestic' site in Central Anatolia. In: Anatolia Antiqua. 13, 2005, 15-28. doi: 10.3406 / anata.2005.1034 ( ).
  • Nurcan Kayacan: Chipped stone industry of the Neolithic site of Musular (Cappadocia): Preliminary results. In: Anatolia Antiqua 11, 2003, 1-10; doi: 10.3406 / anata.2003.991 ( ).
  • Mihriban Özbaşaran: The Neolithic site of Musular - Central Anatolia. In: Anatolica 26, 2000, pp. 129-151
  • Mihriban Özbaşaran: Musular , in The oldest monuments of mankind. 12,000 years ago in Anatolia [Large State Exhibition Baden-Württemberg 2007 in the Badisches Landesmuseum Schloss Karlsruhe, January 20 - June 17, 2007] , ed. from the Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe. Darmstadt, Scientific Book Society 2007, p. 117.
  • Mihriban Özbaşaran, Güneş Duru, Nurcan Kayacan, B. Erdogu, Hijlke Buitenhuis: Musular. The 8th Millennium cal. BC Satellite Site of Aşıklı. In: M. Özdogan, N. Başgelen, Peter Kuniholm (Eds.) The Neolithic in Turkey. New Excavations and New Research 3, Central Turkey. Archeology and Art Publications, Istanbul 2012, pp. 159–180.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Nerissa Russell, Louise Martin, Hijlke Buitenhuis: Cattle Domestication at Çatalhöyük revisited. In: Current Anthropology 46 / S5, 2005, S103. JSTOR 10.1086 / 497664
  2. a b Kayacan Nurcan: Chipped stone industry of the Neolithic site of Musular (Cappadocia): Preliminary Results. In: Anatolia Antiqua. 11, 2003, p. 3.
  3. According to Güneş and Özbaşaran (2005, 18) on natural limestone
  4. ^ Eva Rosenstock, Like a su böreği: settlements and site formation processes in Neolithic Turkey. In: M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen, Peter Kuniholm (eds.), Neolithic in Turkey 6, 10500-5200 BC. Istanbul, Arkeoloji ve Sanat 2014, 242
  5. a b Duru Güneş, Mihriban Özbaşaran: A 'non domestic' site in Central Anatolia. In: Anatolia Antiqua. 13, 2005, p. 23. doi: 10.3406 / anata.2005.1034 .
  6. Duru Güneş, Mihriban Özbaşaran: A 'non domestic' site in Central Anatolia. In: Anatolia Antiqua. 13, 2005, p. 18. doi: 10.3406 / anata.2005.1034 .
  7. Duru Güneş, Mihriban Özbaşaran: A 'non domestic' site in Central Anatolia. In: Anatolia Antiqua. 13, 2005, p. 19. doi: 10.3406 / anata.2005.1034 .
  8. Mihriban Özbaşaran, The Neolithic site of Musular - Central Anatolia. Anatolica 26, 2000, pp. 129-151
  9. Eleni Asouti, Group Identity and the Politics of Dwelling at Neolithic Çatalhöyük. In: Ian Hodder (Ed.), Çatalhöyük perspectives: Themes from the 1995–99 seasons. Çatalhöyük Research Project 6. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 80
  10. Nurcan Kayacan, Mihriban Özbaşaran: The Choice of Obsidian and its Use at Musular — Central Anatolia. In: Laurence Astruc, Didier Binder, François Briois (eds.): Les communautés du Néolithique pré-céramique d'Eurasia: de l'analyse de la diversité des systémes techniques a la caractérisation des comportements sociaux. Editions APDCA, Antibes 2007 229-233.
  11. a b Kayacan Nurcan: Chipped stone industry of the Neolithic site of Musular (Cappadocia): Preliminary Results. In: Anatolia Antiqua. 11, 2003, p. 6.
  12. Laurence Astruc, Nurcan Kayacan, Mihriban Özbaşaran, Technical Activities held at Musular (VIIIth Millenium BC, Central Anatolia): A Preliminary use-wear Analysis of lithic Tools. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı 23, 2008, 165–172.
  13. James Mellaart: Excavations at Çatal Höyük. 1963, Third Preliminary Report, Anatolian Studies . 1964, 100.
  14. Duru Güneş, Mihriban Özbaşaran: A 'non domestic' 'site in Central Anatolia. In: Anatolia Antiqua 13, 2005, fig. 12, p. 4.