Mutual overview map

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The mutation overview map or mutation map is kept by the mining authorities responsible for mining supervision and gives an overview of the pit fields awarded . In North Rhine-Westphalia , it is the Arnsberg district government , formerly the Dortmund Regional Mining Authority .


The mutation overview map is a topographical map over a larger district, on which the mining authority plots the assumed fields according to the mutation or situation cracks. This is intended to provide an immediate overview of whether, for example, competing awards have already taken place.


The field boundaries are marked in color and show which natural resources have been lent.

colour Natural resources
Gray Hard coal
brown Brown coal
green Salts
yellow Brine
blue Non-ferrous metals (e.g. zinc, lead, copper, mercury, etc.)
red Iron ores
violet Fluorspar

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Veith , German mountain dictionary with documents, Verlag von Wilh. Gottl. Korn, Breslau 1871

See also

Web links