Néstor Luján

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Néstor Luján , actually Néstor Luján y Fernández , (born March 1, 1922 in Mataró , province of Barcelona , † December 22, 1995 in Barcelona ) was a Spanish restaurateur, journalist and writer.


Luján studied philosophy and languages at the University of Barcelona and in 1943 got a job as a journalist for Destino magazine . Between 1958 and 1972 he was the responsible editor-in-chief there. In the same position, Luján moved to the editorial team of the magazine Historia y vida in 1972 and stayed there until 1992.

In addition to his journalistic work, Luján also created an independent work over the years, ranging from biographies and historical treatises to novels.

Luján died on December 22, 1995 in Barcelona of complications after an operation for a cancer of the larynx .


  • 1974 Premio Nacional de Gastronomía
  • 1987 Premio Internacional Plaza y Janés for his novel The Seven Deaths of Count Villamediana .

Works (selection)

  • Diccionario Luján de gastronomía catalana . Barcelona 1990.
  • Historia de la gastronomía . Plaza & Janés, Barcelona 1988, ISBN 84-01-60758-2 .
  • Historia del Torero . Barcelona 1967.
  • El libro de la cocina española . Gastronomía e historia . Tusquets, Barcelona 2003, ISBN 84-8310-877-1 (together with Joan Perucho ).
  • Margot . La reina de los corazones . Planeta, Barcelona 1994, ISBN 84-08-01085-9 (Mujeres apasionadas; 19).
  • Spain. A culinary journey through the regions . Mosaik-Verlag, Munich 1991, ISBN 3-576-07059-1 .
  • Viajes por las cocinas del mundo . Barcelona 1983.
  • Y Mussolini creó el fascismo . Plaza & Janés, Barcelona 1975.


  • Hans-Joachim Lope: La puerta del oro. Observaciones sobre una novela histórica de Néstor Luján . In: Hans Felten u. a. (Ed.): Juegos de la interdiscursividad Romanistischer Verlag, Bonn 1995, ISBN 3-86143-037-1 , pp. 47-54 (Treatises on language and literature; 82).
  • Agustí Pons: Néstor Luján. El perodisme liberal . Editorial Columna, Barcelona 2004, ISBN 84-664-0505-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Carlos Azcoytia: Biografía de Néstor Luján. Historia de la Cocina, January 1, 2007, accessed September 22, 2010 (Spanish).

Web links