NEOShield 2

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NEOShield-2 is a research and development project within the EU's Horizon 2020 program and aims to develop the necessary technologies and concepts to use space missions to prevent potentially dangerous near-Earth asteroids and comets that are on a collision course with Earth are distracted. In addition, technologies are being developed for the precise measurement of such deflection projects and for investigating the surfaces of asteroids. In addition, astronomical observations, modeling, simulation and physical characterization of near-earth objects are carried out with the aim of improving the understanding of their physical properties. The development of a European strategy for future research and mission issues in this context is also on the program. Overall, the NEOShield-2 team consists of 11 European partners coordinated by Airbus in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance.

NEOShield-2 is the successor program to the EU initiative NEOShield .

See also

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