News research

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The news research deals with news in mass media and is part of the media and communication studies . It mainly deals with the selection, design and topics of news, i.e. the product.

Graphical overview of the main areas and the most important models for news research.

News research goes back to the 1920s, when the American communication scientist Walter Lippmann dealt with news generation, news flow and news value. Since then, numerous models have been developed in news research, which are also summarized under the term "news theory". However, this term is misleading because it is not a theory in the strict sense, but rather a collective term .

Models for selecting news

  • Working to news creation and message flow (English: newsFLOW) try to explain how information about events to messages in the mass media. Important publications by Fishman, Kepplinger , Lippmann, Weischenberg .
  • Models of news factors (also: news value) deal with the question of which characteristics certain events are selected for reporting. Important publications by Galtung / Ruge, Östgaard, Staab.
  • Investigations into news locks (English: gatekeeper) deal with which characteristics of journalists influence the news selection. Important publications by Robinson, Snider, White.

Models for creating messages

  • Research into news rules describes the principles by which journalists formulate their news. Important publications by Tuchman.
  • Work on news routines seeks to explain how journalists use news rules when formulating news. Important publications by van Dijk .

Models on the subjects of news

  • Studies on the news agenda-setting (English: agenda setting) deal with why and how certain topics are covered in messages. Important publications by Cohen, Lang / Lang, McCombs / Shaw.
  • Research on news trends (English: news bias) trying to determine the causes of biases in reporting. Important publications by Klein / Maccobby.


  • Ines Bose, Dietz Schwiesau (ed.): Write, speak, listen to messages. Research into the intelligibility of radio news. Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-86596-990-3 .
  • Bernard Cecil Cohen: The press and foreign policy. Princeton (NJ) 1963.
  • Teun van Dijk : News as discourse. Hillsdale (NJ) 1988.
  • Mark Fishman: Manufacturing the news. Austin (Tex.) 1980.
  • Johan Galtung, Mari Holmboe Ruge: The structure of foreign news. In: Journal of Peace Research. 2nd year, issue 1/1965, Oslo 1965, p. 64 ff.
  • Hans Mathias Kepplinger : Event Management. Reality and Mass Media. Zurich 1992.
  • Malcolm W. Klein, Nathan Maccobby: Newspaper objectivity in the 1952 campaign. In: Journalism Quarterly. Volume 31, Issue 2/1954, Minneapolis (Minn.) / Iowa City (Iowa) 1954, p. 285 ff.
  • Kurt Lang, Gladys Lang: The unique perspective of television and its effect. A pilot study. In: American Sociological Review. 18th year, issue 1/1953, Albany (NY), p. 2 ff.
  • Walter Lippmann : Public opinion. Reprint of the journalism classic. Bochum 1990. (first time New York (NY) 1922)
  • Maxwell E. McCombs, Donald L. Shaw: The agenda-setting function of mass media. In: The Public Opinion Quarterly. 36th volume, issue 2/1972, New York (NY), p. 176 ff.
  • Einar Östgaard: Factors influencing the flow of news. In: Journal of Peace Research. 2nd year, issue 1/1965, Oslo 1965, p. 39 ff.
  • Gertrude Joch Robinson: Twenty-five years of "gatekeeper" research. A critical review and evaluation. In: Jörg Aufermann, Hans Bohrmann, Rolf Sülzer (eds.): Social communication and information. Research directions and problems. 2 volumes, volume 1, Frankfurt am Main 1973, p. 344 ff.
  • Dietz Schwiesau, Josef Ohler: The news in the press, radio, television, news agency and internet. Munich 2003.
  • Dietz Schwiesau, Josef Ohler: News - classic and multimedia.   A Manual for Education and Practice. Springer VS. Wiesbaden 2016
  • Paul Snider: "Mr. Gates" revisited. A 1966 version of the 1949 case study. In: Journalism Quarterly. Volume 44, Issue 3/1967, Minneapolis (Minn.) / Iowa City (Iowa) 1967, pp. 419 ff.
  • Joachim Friedrich Staab: News Value Theory. Formal structure and empirical content. Freiburg / Munich 1990.
  • Gaye Tuchman: Making news. A study in the construction of reality. New York (NY) 1978.
  • David Manning White: The "Gate Keeper". A case study in the selection of news. In: Journalism Quarterly. 27.Jg., Issue 3/1950, Minneapolis (Minn.) / Iowa City (Iowa) 1950, p. 383 ff.
  • Siegfried Weischenberg : Journalism. Theory and practice of current media communication. 2 volumes, Wiesbaden 2004. (at the same time offers a general overview of the numerous models for news research)
  • Bernward Wember : How does television inform? List, Munich 1976, ISBN 3-471-79120-5 .

See also

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