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Nachum is part of the name of the following people:

  • Nachum Admoni (* 1926), director of the Israeli secret service
  • Nachum Erlich (* 1959), Israeli violinist and university professor
  • Tim N. Gidal (actually Ignatz Nachum Gidalewitsch ; 1909–1996), German-Israeli photojournalist and university professor
  • Nachum from Gimso (1st / 2nd century), Jewish scholar of antiquity
  • Nahum Goldmann (1895–1982), Russian Zionist, founder and president of the World Jewish Congress
  • Nachum of the Medes (1st century), Jewish legal scholar and Tannait
  • Nachum Elieser Rabinovitch (* 1928), Israeli rabbi and university professor
  • Nachum Schaikewitsch (1850–1905), Yiddish writer
  • Nachum Sokolow (1859–1936), President of the World Zionist Organization, pioneer of modern Hebrew journalism and Hebrew writer
  • Nachum von Tschernobyl (1730–1787), Hasidic rabbi and founder of the Twersky dynasty
  • Nachum Zemach (1887–1939), theater director and father of the Israeli National Theater

See also: