Nachum Zemach

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Nachum Zemach

Nachum Zemach (also Nahum or Naum Zemach ; * 1887 in Wolkowysk , Poland , † September 8, 1939 in Manhattan , New York ) was theater director and father of the Israeli National Theater .


In 1913 he founded the short-lived 1st Habimah Theater in Białystok and then the actual Habimah in Moscow in 1916 , which soon gained world fame and developed into the Israeli national theater .


  • Article Habima. In: Jewish Lexicon , Berlin 1927, Vol. II.
  • John F. Oppenheimer (Red.) And a .: Lexicon of Judaism. 2nd Edition. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, Gütersloh u. a. 1971, ISBN 3-570-05964-2 , col. 911.

Individual evidence

  1. The concise dictionary of American Jewish biography (1994) gives the date of birth August 9, 1890.