Naked sandal

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Naked sandal
Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Uranoscopiformes
Family : Sand eels (Ammodytidae)
Genre : Gymnammodytes
Type : Naked sandal
Scientific name
Gymnammodytes semisquamatus
( Jourdain , 1879)

The bare sandal ( Gymnammodytes semisquamatus ) is a species of sand eels (Ammodytidae) that is native to the European Atlantic coasts.


The naked sandal has a very elongated, thin body and is up to 42 centimeters long. The head is also elongated and has a pointed snout, the upper mouth is edentulous. The back and the flanks are green to gold in color, the belly side is silvery in color. There is also a dark spot on the head. It is named after the fish's scaly front body.

The long dorsal fin has 56 to 59 soft fin rays of different lengths, which means that the free edge is wavy. The anal fin consists of 28 to 32 fin rays.


The naked sandal lives on the coasts of the eastern Atlantic Ocean from northern Norway to Portugal and the North Sea .

Way of life

The fish live in the area of ​​the continental shelf at depths of 20 to 200 meters. They prefer sandy soils with a high proportion of rubble and mussel beds. They feed mainly on zooplankton and juvenile fish. When in danger, the animals burrow in the sand. From March to August the Rogner spawn in the area of ​​the scree and mussel surfaces.


The Nacktsandaal is one of three species of the genus Gymnammodytes within the sand eels (Ammodytidae).

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. According to ITIS


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