Chinese goral

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Chinese goral
Nemorhaedus caudatus.jpg

Chinese goral ( Naemorhedus griseus )

without rank: Forehead weapon bearer (Pecora)
Family : Horned Bearers (Bovidae)
Subfamily : Antilopinae
Tribe : Goatsies (Caprini)
Genre : Gorale ( Naemorhedus )
Type : Chinese goral
Scientific name
Naemorhedus griseus
( Milne Edwards , 1871)

The Chinese Goral ( Naemorhedus griseus ) is a cloven-hoofed species from the group of goats (Caprinae). It has only been recognized as a separate species from the long-tailed morale for a few years .


Chinese gorals have gray-brown fur with a dark line along the back, and the throat is lighter. Males have a short, erect mane on the neck, the ears are relatively large. The horns that are present in both males and females are slightly curved back and relatively short. They resemble the distantly related goats and are stocky animals adapted to a climbing lifestyle.

distribution and habitat

Chinese gorals are common in eastern China (from Inner Mongolia to Yunnan ), northeastern India (in the regions east of Bangladesh), northern Vietnam , western and southeastern Myanmar, and northwestern Thailand . Reports of an occurrence in Laos have not yet been confirmed. Mountain forests are the habitat of this species.

Way of life

These animals are mainly active in the early morning and late afternoon and then mostly go in search of food. They ingest grass, leaves, twigs, nuts and other parts of the plant. Outside of the mating season they mostly live solitary, sometimes they can also be found in small groups.


Chinese gorals are hunted for their meat and for the use of their body parts for medicinal purposes, as well as the destruction of their habitat. The IUCN lists the species as "endangered" ( vulnerable ).


  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9 .
  • DE Wilson, DM Reeder: Mammal Species of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 .

Web links

Commons : Chinese Goral ( Naemorhedus griseus )  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files