Nancy Dankers

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Leonarda Henrica Johanna Maria (Nancy) Dankers (born June 22, 1949 in Helmond ; † August 25, 2005 in Nijmegen ) was a Dutch politician of the Christian Democratic Appèl (CDA), alderman ( Wethouder ) in Helmond and member of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament .

Dankers was born in Helmond as the daughter of the director of the bus company EHAD ( Eerste Helmondse Autobus Dienst ). She studied economics at the Catholic University of Economics in Tilburg . After completing her studies, she started working in her father's company in 1975, where she was promoted to director of finance and human resources and in 1985 to general director. Since 1978 she was a member of the Helmond municipal council (since 1980 for the CDA). In 1986 she was chairman of the CDA group and in 1990 Wethouderin. At that time, she also gave up her director post at EHAD.

In 1994 Dankers ran for the CDA as a candidate for the Second Chamber of Parliament and obtained a seat that she was able to defend in 1998 and 2002. In 2000 she belonged to the CDA minority who voted for gay marriage.

From 2001 onwards she was no longer present in parliament due to illness and was unable to take her seat after the re-election in 2002. Nancy Dankers died of her illness on August 25, 2005 at the age of 56.

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