Nansen (moon crater)

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Nansen Clementine LTVT.JPG
Nansen Crater in photos of the Clementine mission
Nansen (Moon North Pole Region)
position 81.15 °  N , 95.67 °  O coordinates: 81 ° 9 '0'  N , 95 ° 40 '12 "  O
diameter 111 km
Card sheet 1 (PDF)
Named after Fridtjof Nansen , Norwegian polar explorer (1861–1930).
Named since 1964
Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the entry in the IAU / USGS database


Nansen is an impact crater on the moon near the lunar north pole . The walls are badly eroded. Houssay Crater is superimposed on the wall on the northern edge .

List of minor craters
Letter position diameter link
A. 82.83 °  N , 65.38 °  O 43 km [1]
C. 83.41 °  N , 55.51 °  O 33 km [2]
D. 83.84 °  N , 66.01 °  O 18 km [3]
E. 83.41 °  N , 72.66 °  O 15 km [4]
F. 84.99 °  N , 62.81 °  O 60 km [5]
U 81.54 °  N , 82.45 °  O 14 km [6]

Web links

  • Nansen in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature of the IAU (WGPSN) / USGS
  • Nansen on The-moon Wiki