Narodowo-Socjalistyczna Partia Robotnicza

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Narodowo-Socjalistyczna Partia Robotnicza (German National Socialist Workers' Party) was a National Socialist party in Poland in the 1930s.


It was founded in the second half of 1933 by Józef Grałła and Wacław Kozielski, a former member of the Stronnictwo Narodowe party , who had been expelled from this party because of his radicalism. The NSPR was strictly anti-German and anti-Semitic. It was mainly active in Upper Silesia , Łódź and Kielce and had around 10,000 members. Its members wore cherry-red shirts. It was banned on June 13, 1934.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michał Radzikowski: Narodowy socjalizm w Polsce międzywojennej., September 25, 2013, accessed November 1, 2015.