Wet hut

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The work Kimitsu Works of Nippon Steel in Kimitsu , Chiba , Japan .

A wet hut is a plant for the industrial smelting of ore (mostly iron), which is located near the coast and gets the raw materials required for processing (e.g. ore, coal ) by sea. In z. For example, in the Netherlands or Japan , many steelworks are located by the sea. Since these countries have no or only a few of their own raw materials and therefore import a large part, these are often delivered by ship and processed further in the port. After production, the finished product can then be loaded again and exported.

The advantages of this production method are the lower costs and the fact that the finished product can be delivered faster than if it had to be transported from the interior to the coast. Since the raw materials of Central Europe have been shrinking sharply for half a century, more and more factories, e.g. B. relocated from the Ruhr area to the North Sea coast . However, the location can be a curse and a blessing at the same time; in the event of storms or tidal waves , these works on the water are much more endangered than those on land.

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